
Michelle Lou Lan's DaBo is Revolutionizing Yoga: Blending Tradition with Innovation

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Jorge Lucena

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The concept of fitness has evolved dramatically in recent years, due to a growing desire for wellness-centric exercise options whose benefits extend well beyond our physical health. This ongoing pursuit of overall wellness has paved the way for countless innovations in the health and fitness sectors, such as modern workout equipment, better supplements, and more. However, the centuries-old tradition of Yoga is an exception here, as there  has been no significant innovation in this realm to make this life-altering practice more adaptable and accessible. This is where Michelle Lou Lan has embraced the limelight as the inventor of DaBo and the founder of Mesh Yoga. DaBo is a yoga tool that is transforming the experience of yoga practice for many. Spearheaded by Michelle, Mesh Yoga has grown into a renowned yoga studio in Los Angeles.  

Michelle Lou Lan is not a typical entrepreneur, but rather a wellness enthusiast who has redefined the way yoga is approached in the modern lifestyle. Her journey from professional ballerina to yoga instructor started  unexpectedly. Her career as a ballerina, which began at the age of 8, was paused abruptly due to a serious back injury in 2006. Rather than losing faith in herself, Michelle steered her career towards a new passion, yoga.

An experience with her dog, Bobo, during a late night yoga practice at her Tribeca apartment, prompted her to create DaBo, a yoga-based fitness tool that addresses the unmet needs in the world of yoga practice. “On that particular day, I was attempting some really challenging poses. I started to fall, and just as I was about to hit the ground there he was, standing right in front of me with my leg resting on him,” Michelle says. “It became a routine for us — every time I practiced yoga he’d be right there, close to me, a sturdy and strong physical and emotional presence.” 

This experience sparked the idea of creating a movable and customizable tool that perfectly aligns with the practitioner's body. “Even though my physical practice was at its peak at that time, I craved something beside me to go deeper into poses, to feel confident and practice safely. BoBo was my constant companion in those moments of self-discovery. He inspired me to create something movable, customizable to my size, and perfectly aligned.”

Michelle took a meticulous approach in designing DaBo, with a keen eye on its texture, weight, cushion firmness, and even the grip slots for hands. “Our goal was to create a seamless integration between DaBo and your yoga practice, where the focus wouldn’t be on the product itself, but on your body and alignment. DaBo needed to become an extension of you, blending effortlessly into your flow,” she says. Michelle describes DaBo as a blend of chic elegance and thoughtful intention that aims to be an invisible ally in the practitioner's yoga flow. 

Michelle's perspective on yoga is not limited to the physical aspects of the practice, but goes deeper to explore and nurture one’s overall well-being.. “To me, yoga is an incredibly honest practice — it’s very internal. What I see in many classes today is a focus on the external: music blaring, hot temperatures to encourage excess sweating, instructions to breathe, breathe, breathe, teachers using microphones,” Michelle says. “After those sessions I often don’t feel peaceful, I’m just relieved to be out of the studio. Sure we sweat and it's great for the body, but it doesn't go to that deeper inner level. It's like going through the motions without truly experiencing every moment.”

With MeshYoga, Michelle is creating a distinctly unique experience that is more inclusive and adaptable, featuring limited class sizes to focus on creating a haven for one’s yoga practice . According to Michelle, DaBo stands out as the ultimate game-changer at Mesh Yoga. “It's almost like having a teaching assistant by my side during classes,” she says. “I can adjust my students' postures with the assurance that DaBo is there, locking and holding them in the correct alignment, allowing me to deepen their practice.”

Michelle aspires to see numerous fitness and yoga studios utilizing DaBo to prioritize alignment and enrich the experience. While the fitness industry is dominated by trends, Michelle’s DaBo stands as a tool that helps the user to experience the true essence of yoga. 

As for the future of yoga, Michelle views it as a harmonious blend of modernity and tradition, where tools like DaBo deepen one’s connection with the practice. With a keen focus on the present, Michelle is on a mission to make DaBo an integral part of every individual's yoga journey.

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Michelle Lou Lan's Dabo