

Exploring the legendary artist's work and influence from the Mediterranean nation

Written by

Bennett DiDonna

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Across a new two-volume box set Noguchi and Greece, Greece, and Noguchi (Atelier Éditions and D.A.P.) explores the iconic artist, architect and designer, Isamu Noguchi's long relationship with the  nation. Through a series of letters, photographs, sketches and writings the title accompanies work and text from Eleni Petaloti and Leonidas Trampoukis of Brooklyn and Athens based design studio, Objects of Common Interest. The title is a continuation of a project and exhibition between the design studio and the Noguchi Museum in New York. First coming to Greece through it's mythology and then through travels of his own, Noguchi became enmeshed with the country's creative community, which along with his many international travels informed his multi-displicinary practice. The book also dives into the artist's relationship with Choreographer Martha Graham and Architect Buckmister Fuller, with whom Greece and travel acted as a point of commonality and creative synergy for Noguchi.

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Noguchi, DAP, Atelier Editions , Objects of Common Interest Design Studio