
Unruly Agency Is Now 100% Female-Owned 

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Jorge Lucena

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Unruly Agency is embarking on a new chapter as co-founder Tara Electra takes full control of the company, following her buyout of former business partner Nicky Gathrite. Gathrite is making waves in the sports and entertainment industry, drawing from his successful tenure at Unruly Agency. This transition marks a significant evolution for both Unruly Agency and Gathrite's career, showcasing a shared commitment to excellence in their respective fields. The changes at Unruly Agency build upon the foundation laid by both Electra and Gathrite. Their combined efforts had previously established Unruly as a significant player in the influencer marketing sphere.

A New Chapter for Unruly Agency Under Electra's Leadership

Tara Electra's acquisition of Unruly Agency heralds a new era for the company, which is now prominently positioned as a leader in championing women's empowerment and diversity in the influencer marketing industry. Under Electra's vision, the company is rededicating itself to its commitment to inclusivity, with a workforce that is 80% women.

But the agency’s commitment to empowerment doesn't stop there. Unruly is set to launch a series of initiatives, such as leadership training, mentorship opportunities, and community engagement projects aimed at empowering and supporting women within the industry and far beyond.

Championing Inclusivity and Expanding Services

Unruly continues to focus on inclusivity, especially within the LGBTQ+ community, which is a huge part of their staff. Unruly shows a testament to its progressive values. Along with its advocacy, the agency is expanding its services to include new areas such as paywalls, large-scale events like their recent Halloween party, a full production studio, and comprehensive viral growth campaigns for brands, moving beyond traditional influencer marketing strategies.

Unruly Community

This social media engine now reaches almost one billion in creator audiences across the globe. Unruly is a powerhouse for turning your favorite creators into household brands. Unruly plans to continue to scale efficient and effective ways to grow its creators to monetize across all social platforms and brand partnerships. 

Legacy of Empowerment

While Unruly Agency continues to lead in the models and influencers space under Tara Electra's guidance, Gathrite's leadership is poised to become a key player in sports management. Both embody a spirit of empowerment, excellence, and positive change in their respective domains.

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Unruly Agency