FLAUNT PREMIERE | We Speak to BLEACHx About New Video For His Latest Release "Dead Inside"
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1627448194815-TCWZR4IBL217K6KJSO12/uM9hlSuQ.jpeg) BLEACHx is the moniker for LA based, queer music artist Jeremy Thurber. With years, and multi platinum plaques under his belt already, as a song writer for artists like Meghan Trainor & Jake Miller. Shedding his past and releasing his own dark, yet catchy music is something we definitely approve of! Flaunt spoke with BLEACHx below What's the inspiration behind “dead inside” and the video?
My inspiration for the "Dead Inside" video came from wanting to shed the hatred I had towards my previous self in letting the industry and men make these decisions for me that would cause trauma, but also showing that without that trauma I wouldn't be here and telling my childhood innocence it was okay. I wanted a calling card, something grungy that said "I'm here, this is me, love it or suck it!" I always loved how when Eminem started he was kind of a satire of myself and I was heavily inspired by that. What do you want viewers to take away from the video?
I want viewers to take away a fun video that introduces my multiple personalities and really kinda opens them up to this quickly expanding character world, almost like my own MCU, you never know which personality will pop up in a video next :P.
At what point did you realize you could do music as a career?
HA, that's a great question. I think the difference between a dream and a career is time, passion and dedication, I've given up and "retired" probably 100s of times but I have no back up plan. Getting my first platinum record def didn't hurt though.
Photo by Brandon Mills
Photo by Brandon Mills

How does this new music differ from your previous work as a songwriter? I think as a songwriter and working as much as i have you develop a sound of collective things you like, you pick up and what you iteration is and the new music is unapologetically me, mean beats, Nsync/Max Martin type songs and quirky expressions throughout is the BLEACHx sound.
Can you tell us a bit about your experience writing songs for some of the biggest artists in pop? Writing with an artist in the room can be magical or a disaster, and sometimes you don't even know the song or they are gonna break, but developing sounds and taking risks for people is like a drug, it's what I live for, focusing the ideas in my head and listening back is an insane amount of fun.

Everyone would expect you must have made a fortune, how does the reality differ from that? Well if you've seen bridesmaids one thing comes to mind "HELP ME I'M POOR!" That is not the case, the way the industry is set up is for flashy hollow representations of financial success, once you're in the publishing and singing game you can't get out, you become a trading card and that's something that needs to be changed. You get one big check and 5 years later realize working at a bar that 100k taxed to 50 was supposed to last.

I hear you have a new LP coming out soon, what can you tell our audience about the new LP? One i couldn't be more excited! I think every record is relatable fun, quirky and a fuckin moment. It's a balls to the wall, FUCK U, im here, big dick energy, an explosion of feelings that was a long time coming and everyones welcome, even my exes *SHOUT OUT*, this ones for you.. both....

What's next for BleachX in the immediate future? Immediately, were about to start getting out playing some shows, we've got some surprise releases but mostly i'm excited to share the rest of this music.. sooner than you know... weeeee. And also - signing to Terrible Children Records!

You talk about some pretty difficult times on Dead Inside, drug use, break ups and hitting rock bottom. Was it difficult for you to be so vulnerable? For Dead Inside, NO. It was time to be honest with myself and my music and honestly, lol, I didn't even know i was doing it with this record, it was just for me and once my manager opened my eyes to that and made sure i did everything for me and for us to enjoy it all became easier and more authentic.
Photo by Brandon Mills
Photo by Brandon Mills
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1627448194815-TCWZR4IBL217K6KJSO12/uM9hlSuQ.jpeg) BLEACHx is the moniker for LA based, queer music artist Jeremy Thurber. With years, and multi platinum plaques under his belt already, as a song writer for artists like Meghan Trainor & Jake Miller. Shedding his past and releasing his own dark, yet catchy music is something we definitely approve of! Flaunt spoke with BLEACHx below What's the inspiration behind “dead inside” and the video?
My inspiration for the "Dead Inside" video came from wanting to shed the hatred I had towards my previous self in letting the industry and men make these decisions for me that would cause trauma, but also showing that without that trauma I wouldn't be here and telling my childhood innocence it was okay. I wanted a calling card, something grungy that said "I'm here, this is me, love it or suck it!" I always loved how when Eminem started he was kind of a satire of myself and I was heavily inspired by that. What do you want viewers to take away from the video?
I want viewers to take away a fun video that introduces my multiple personalities and really kinda opens them up to this quickly expanding character world, almost like my own MCU, you never know which personality will pop up in a video next :P.
At what point did you realize you could do music as a career?
HA, that's a great question. I think the difference between a dream and a career is time, passion and dedication, I've given up and "retired" probably 100s of times but I have no back up plan. Getting my first platinum record def didn't hurt though.
Photo by Brandon Mills
Photo by Brandon Mills

How does this new music differ from your previous work as a songwriter? I think as a songwriter and working as much as i have you develop a sound of collective things you like, you pick up and what you iteration is and the new music is unapologetically me, mean beats, Nsync/Max Martin type songs and quirky expressions throughout is the BLEACHx sound.
Can you tell us a bit about your experience writing songs for some of the biggest artists in pop? Writing with an artist in the room can be magical or a disaster, and sometimes you don't even know the song or they are gonna break, but developing sounds and taking risks for people is like a drug, it's what I live for, focusing the ideas in my head and listening back is an insane amount of fun.

Everyone would expect you must have made a fortune, how does the reality differ from that? Well if you've seen bridesmaids one thing comes to mind "HELP ME I'M POOR!" That is not the case, the way the industry is set up is for flashy hollow representations of financial success, once you're in the publishing and singing game you can't get out, you become a trading card and that's something that needs to be changed. You get one big check and 5 years later realize working at a bar that 100k taxed to 50 was supposed to last.

I hear you have a new LP coming out soon, what can you tell our audience about the new LP? One i couldn't be more excited! I think every record is relatable fun, quirky and a fuckin moment. It's a balls to the wall, FUCK U, im here, big dick energy, an explosion of feelings that was a long time coming and everyones welcome, even my exes *SHOUT OUT*, this ones for you.. both....

What's next for BleachX in the immediate future? Immediately, were about to start getting out playing some shows, we've got some surprise releases but mostly i'm excited to share the rest of this music.. sooner than you know... weeeee. And also - signing to Terrible Children Records!

You talk about some pretty difficult times on Dead Inside, drug use, break ups and hitting rock bottom. Was it difficult for you to be so vulnerable? For Dead Inside, NO. It was time to be honest with myself and my music and honestly, lol, I didn't even know i was doing it with this record, it was just for me and once my manager opened my eyes to that and made sure i did everything for me and for us to enjoy it all became easier and more authentic.
Photo by Brandon Mills
Photo by Brandon Mills