Aidan Alexander | Exploring New Genres With “end of the world”

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Photographed by Jerry Maestas ![Photographed by Jerry Maestas](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d2f9c6de9426520ea863_05-2020-22-00-28%2B-%2BPC%2BJerry%2BMaestas.jpeg) Photographed by Jerry Maestas [Aidan Alexander](https://www.instagram.com/aidanalexander/?hl=en) is here to bless the world with his smooth, sultry vocals, undeniable charm, and endless talents. Hailing from Boise, Idaho, the multi-hyphenate singer-songwriter and actor has a true passion for storytelling, penning all his own lyrics inspired by personal experiences and real-life vulnerabilities. Moving to Los Angeles at age 15 to pursue his acting career, the independent artist proves you don’t need to be boxed into any one thing—turning his dreams into a reality by any means possible. In describing himself, he states, “Aidan Alexander is doing his best. \[laughs\] I sing, I act. I’ve been writing since I was really little so it’s always been something really important to me.” Now at 20 years old, Aidan opens a new chapter of his life and career, beginning with his newest single titled “the end of the world.” Serving as his first single in two years, following 2018’s ["I Don't Love You"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9wWX3CpVyw), Aidan returns with his signature genre-bending sound and heartfelt lyrics. The emotional ballad is about learning to let people in, which Aidan claims he detests.  _Flaunt_ caught up with Aidan via Instagram Live, who’s been residing in Los Angeles for the past 2 years. Read below as we discuss why he hasn’t dropped in two years, his self-discovery, inspo behind “the end of the world,” exploring new genres, and more! Photographed by Jerry Maestas ![Photographed by Jerry Maestas](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d2f9c6de9426520ea85f_05-2020-22-03-52%2B-%2BPC%2BJerry%2BMaestas.jpeg) Photographed by Jerry Maestas **Why haven’t you released anything in two years?** I’m a perfectionist, I wanted to make sure that it was exactly what I wanted to put out. Every artist or creative person always doubts everything they do like “wait, maybe this is really shitty. That’s where I was at for two years, now I’m like “let’s do It!” **What did you discover about yourself in those two years?** I grew 3 inches so that’s nice. I’m discovering new things everyday. I learned a lot. They’re very informative years, a lot of change happens regardless. I definitely got more confident in my songwriting, I tried to experiment with different sounds. This new record I released,  “the end of the world,” there's a Western guitar in it even. It’s something I would’ve never done but I wanted to mess with different genres. I like to genre bend a bit. **What were you going through recording “end of the world”?**  I tend to definitely isolate a lot. I’m not the person that when they’re upset, they like to be with a lot of people. I’m the opposite of that. I’m a hermit crab, I don’t like to be around other people. That’s something I had to work on, that’s what this song means to me. This song is my anthemic call of wanting that human connection. Especially last year was really crazy and scary, I wanted to set that in stone and write a song to memorialize what last year was. I also love disaster movies so “the end of the world” was an aesthetic I was down for.  **Can we expect a video inspired by the movie?** No, there’s no video for this one. I’m releasing a lot of music this year so you guys will get a video for something. **How have you evolved since your first single “I Don’t Love You”?**  I was 18 when I released that. I've grown a lot since musically, personally. There’s been a lot of growth. Sound-wise, I like to play into the alternative aspects of music a little more now. That one’s pretty pop. I love that song, it’s a classic to me. It’s my first song, that’s what most people listened to first from me. I’d like to dip into other genres so that’s what I’ve been doing since.  **Who are your biggest influences?** I have tons. I love Lorde, she’s my favorite artist. I love Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks is criminally good. I’ve been listening to a lot of Caroline Polachek lately, I really like her. She’s so trendsetting with her music and is so experimental, that’s really cool. I love Lana Del Rey. I have a lot of people I really look up to.  **What type of genre are you going to explore?** Music is still very pop, I love pop music, but definitely a lot more alternative elements to it. The new single I released, there’s that Westworld-esque guitar that’s unexpected. I thought that was cool. I have a really cool song coming out, I don’t want to say too much because there’s one coming out before that. It’s not anything like what I’ve released before. It’s way more stripped down, something I’m definitely looking forward to.  **Is there an album coming?** There will be a collection of work released at some point soon! **What’s your biggest dream?** Being able to look back on my life in however many years and be happy about all the good and bad things. It’s my dream to continue doing things that make me happy, whether that’s music, acting or writing. If I get hit by a bus then randomly want to do something else... the possibilities are endless. I just hope I’m doing something I like. **How important is it to put storytelling in your music?**  That’s the whole point to me. There’s a lot of music that’s written by these older studio people that are so two-dimensional, there’s really nothing being said that you haven’t heard before. Not that I’m some lyrical prodigy, I'm definitely working on it and growing. It’s important to use the opportunity I’ve been given and do what I can with it. Hills Artwork.jpg ![Hills Artwork.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d2f9c6de9426520ea85b_Hills%2BArtwork.jpeg) **Tell us about your new single “**[**the hills**](https://aidanalexander.ffm.to/thehills)**” that was released today. What’s the inspiration behind the track?** Hollywood and the entertainment industry can often be this constant rat race to the top in which people do soulless things for success. I'm fascinated by this culture so I wrote about the dark side of it all, in a very tongue and cheek way.  I wanted to highlight this massive distortion in the way we view ourselves (and others), and what we truly need. **We’re fans of the cover art for “**[**the end of the world**](https://aidanalexander.ffm.to/theendoftheworld)**” and “the hills.” What was the creative thought process behind these photos? Any hidden meanings?** Visuals are always an important part of the story for me when releasing music. I wanted the single campaigns to feel cohesive, especially in the covers. Both songs kind of have this dark undertone, so I wanted 'the end of the world' and 'the hills' to distinctly represent two different sides of the same coin. **What’s your favorite clothing brand?** Mmm, that’s really hard. I get everything off of Depop. I don’t really do fast fashion, I was watching these Youtube videos that scared me. I get everything off Depop so the brands always vary. A lot of the time I Google the tag, and they’re not even a brand anymore. Ones that are open, I love Asos. I get a lot of clothes from Asos.  **Do you like Lady Gaga?** Of course, I love Lady Gaga. “Shallow” is one of the best records ever. She’s such a talented actress too. She’s definitely, obviously, very universally, recognized and acclaimed as a singer, but she was so good and natural in A Star Is Born. She needs to be in more, I swear. **Any plans for tour when the album comes out?** I don’t know if y’all heard but there’s a pandemic going on, so touring is not in anyone’s immediate future. \[laughs\] But I’d love to, I love getting to play for people and going to places I’ve never been. I’d love to, but we gotta wait a little bit.  **What’s your favorite color?** Probably cream, a nice beige.  **Favorite memory on set?** One time I shot this Western movie, we got to shoot with horses the entire time. Going to work and getting to see these large animals you don’t get to see randomly in LA, that was fun. Also I shot a movie with the late Luke Perry and Bill Paxton, which is the most insane I ever did. I got to work with them, they’re two people I looked up to so much. I shot a movie with them in Texas, no one told me there are tarantulas in Texas. I knew they’re in Australia, but there’s something in their venom that can paralyze other bugs. Around set, I’d be walking through and always see tarantulas eating something. \[laughs\] It kept me on my toes. I loved it, I can’t lie. I’m not scared of spiders, you kidding? Photographed by Raul Romo ![Photographed by Raul Romo](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d2f9c6de9426520ea857_020-22-05-26%2B-%2BPC%2BRaul%2BRomo.jpeg) Photographed by Raul Romo **You’re not?** No, I’m not scared of anything except clowns and snakes. **Did you have a bad experience with clowns?** It’s like John Wayne Gacy, you know the serial killer who dressed up as a clown and hid all those boys? That’s all I think about when I see them. I don’t know what that man looks like under all that, it’s scary. It’s a full face mask, you don’t know.  **If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?** I’ve been watching a lot of old Marilyn Monroe interviews. I know that’s a cliché answer, but she was so misunderstood by the press and everyone. It’ll be really cool to get to talk to her and see what Hollywood was like.   **3 things you need in the studio?** My notebook, I write everything on paper. It’s a weird OCD thing. For sure food and snacks. I usually Postmates twice when I’m in the studio, once when I get there and once a few hours in. **What’s your favorite food?** Sushi, hands down. Normally I get a spicy tuna roll, but I’ll add some avocado or jalapeños so it’s extra spicy. My favorite place in LA is Robata JINYA on 3rd Street. I’ll get a triple hog roll, it’s not on the menu anymore so you have to tell them. I like Veggie Grill. I like pretty much every food. The only food I don’t like is burgers, I don’t know why. It’s ‘cause I can’t open my mouth that big. **Best encounter you had with a fan?** All of them really, it's the coolest thing ever to talk to someone that finds comfort in something you’ve done. That’s a really cool experience, bonding over shared feelings is something I don’t think us as people get to do enough. It’s cool I get to connect with all these people around the world that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to, that’s really special.  **What do you do to stay grounded?** I’m the most anxious person ever. Naturally, I wake up and my heart’s pounding every day for some reason. I have to remind myself to breathe all the time. Sometimes I catch myself breathing really shallow, I have to remind myself to breathe like a person. That grounds me. I try to meditate but not gonna lie, I haven’t done it in a minute. I need to, I always say I’m going to do it. I sit in the shower sometimes, that’s nice. Chill on the ground, it sounds really sad but it’s not because I’m sad. It’s relaxing. We can’t go to hot tubs right now, I have to do something.  **Do you like baths or do you just like to sit at the bottom of the shower?**  The thing about baths is you’re sitting in your gross soup water, your own filth. It’s gross to me. Every time I take a bath, I have to rinse off in the shower afterwards. I feel like I didn’t really get clean. **Favorite song to sing in the shower?** Probably something from _Phantom of the Opera_, that’s kind of humiliating but... or _Mamma Mia!,_ I won’t lie. “When I Kissed the Teacher” or “Fernando.”  **One thing fans may not know about you?** I can crack my wrists. \[cracks wrists\] I’m really good at pogo sticking. I got into that in Idaho because there’s nothing to do, so you have to find things to do. I found a pogo stick in my cousin’s garage and took it.  **Did you ever fall?** I did, I cracked my head pogo sticking. I was going down stairs and it was raining, it was like Darwinism honestly. **Do you fall in love frequently?** No, I don’t. I’m an Aquarius. I don’t know if I fully believe in Zodiac so I’m not going to use that as my rationing. \[laughs\] It takes me awhile because I’m… I don’t know, fucked up.  **Are you toxic?** I’m not toxic at all, I just don’t fall in love frequently. It’s a big thing for me. **Do you believe in true love?** I don’t know what differentiates true love from love, but I do believe in love. I don’t know if I believe in soulmates, I’m cynical and I’m skeptical. Give me the science, give me the tangible evidence to prove that you’re paired with one person at birth and you find them. You have a ton of soulmates. There are 7+ billion people on this planet. Statistically speaking, you’d get along very well with a lot of them. A lot of it is chance.  **What do you look for in a girl?** I don’t look for anything really. Girls, guys, I don't have a type. I get along with people I vibe with, that are funny. That’s my biggest thing. I don’t really have a set type. I’m down for whatever, to be honest. **Anything else you want to let the people know?** No honestly, I've done more talking than I’ve done in 6 months. I laid it all out there.
Photographed by Jerry Maestas ![Photographed by Jerry Maestas](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d2f9c6de9426520ea863_05-2020-22-00-28%2B-%2BPC%2BJerry%2BMaestas.jpeg) Photographed by Jerry Maestas [Aidan Alexander](https://www.instagram.com/aidanalexander/?hl=en) is here to bless the world with his smooth, sultry vocals, undeniable charm, and endless talents. Hailing from Boise, Idaho, the multi-hyphenate singer-songwriter and actor has a true passion for storytelling, penning all his own lyrics inspired by personal experiences and real-life vulnerabilities. Moving to Los Angeles at age 15 to pursue his acting career, the independent artist proves you don’t need to be boxed into any one thing—turning his dreams into a reality by any means possible. In describing himself, he states, “Aidan Alexander is doing his best. \[laughs\] I sing, I act. I’ve been writing since I was really little so it’s always been something really important to me.” Now at 20 years old, Aidan opens a new chapter of his life and career, beginning with his newest single titled “the end of the world.” Serving as his first single in two years, following 2018’s ["I Don't Love You"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9wWX3CpVyw), Aidan returns with his signature genre-bending sound and heartfelt lyrics. The emotional ballad is about learning to let people in, which Aidan claims he detests.  _Flaunt_ caught up with Aidan via Instagram Live, who’s been residing in Los Angeles for the past 2 years. Read below as we discuss why he hasn’t dropped in two years, his self-discovery, inspo behind “the end of the world,” exploring new genres, and more! Photographed by Jerry Maestas ![Photographed by Jerry Maestas](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d2f9c6de9426520ea85f_05-2020-22-03-52%2B-%2BPC%2BJerry%2BMaestas.jpeg) Photographed by Jerry Maestas **Why haven’t you released anything in two years?** I’m a perfectionist, I wanted to make sure that it was exactly what I wanted to put out. Every artist or creative person always doubts everything they do like “wait, maybe this is really shitty. That’s where I was at for two years, now I’m like “let’s do It!” **What did you discover about yourself in those two years?** I grew 3 inches so that’s nice. I’m discovering new things everyday. I learned a lot. They’re very informative years, a lot of change happens regardless. I definitely got more confident in my songwriting, I tried to experiment with different sounds. This new record I released,  “the end of the world,” there's a Western guitar in it even. It’s something I would’ve never done but I wanted to mess with different genres. I like to genre bend a bit. **What were you going through recording “end of the world”?**  I tend to definitely isolate a lot. I’m not the person that when they’re upset, they like to be with a lot of people. I’m the opposite of that. I’m a hermit crab, I don’t like to be around other people. That’s something I had to work on, that’s what this song means to me. This song is my anthemic call of wanting that human connection. Especially last year was really crazy and scary, I wanted to set that in stone and write a song to memorialize what last year was. I also love disaster movies so “the end of the world” was an aesthetic I was down for.  **Can we expect a video inspired by the movie?** No, there’s no video for this one. I’m releasing a lot of music this year so you guys will get a video for something. **How have you evolved since your first single “I Don’t Love You”?**  I was 18 when I released that. I've grown a lot since musically, personally. There’s been a lot of growth. Sound-wise, I like to play into the alternative aspects of music a little more now. That one’s pretty pop. I love that song, it’s a classic to me. It’s my first song, that’s what most people listened to first from me. I’d like to dip into other genres so that’s what I’ve been doing since.  **Who are your biggest influences?** I have tons. I love Lorde, she’s my favorite artist. I love Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks is criminally good. I’ve been listening to a lot of Caroline Polachek lately, I really like her. She’s so trendsetting with her music and is so experimental, that’s really cool. I love Lana Del Rey. I have a lot of people I really look up to.  **What type of genre are you going to explore?** Music is still very pop, I love pop music, but definitely a lot more alternative elements to it. The new single I released, there’s that Westworld-esque guitar that’s unexpected. I thought that was cool. I have a really cool song coming out, I don’t want to say too much because there’s one coming out before that. It’s not anything like what I’ve released before. It’s way more stripped down, something I’m definitely looking forward to.  **Is there an album coming?** There will be a collection of work released at some point soon! **What’s your biggest dream?** Being able to look back on my life in however many years and be happy about all the good and bad things. It’s my dream to continue doing things that make me happy, whether that’s music, acting or writing. If I get hit by a bus then randomly want to do something else... the possibilities are endless. I just hope I’m doing something I like. **How important is it to put storytelling in your music?**  That’s the whole point to me. There’s a lot of music that’s written by these older studio people that are so two-dimensional, there’s really nothing being said that you haven’t heard before. Not that I’m some lyrical prodigy, I'm definitely working on it and growing. It’s important to use the opportunity I’ve been given and do what I can with it. Hills Artwork.jpg ![Hills Artwork.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d2f9c6de9426520ea85b_Hills%2BArtwork.jpeg) **Tell us about your new single “**[**the hills**](https://aidanalexander.ffm.to/thehills)**” that was released today. What’s the inspiration behind the track?** Hollywood and the entertainment industry can often be this constant rat race to the top in which people do soulless things for success. I'm fascinated by this culture so I wrote about the dark side of it all, in a very tongue and cheek way.  I wanted to highlight this massive distortion in the way we view ourselves (and others), and what we truly need. **We’re fans of the cover art for “**[**the end of the world**](https://aidanalexander.ffm.to/theendoftheworld)**” and “the hills.” What was the creative thought process behind these photos? Any hidden meanings?** Visuals are always an important part of the story for me when releasing music. I wanted the single campaigns to feel cohesive, especially in the covers. Both songs kind of have this dark undertone, so I wanted 'the end of the world' and 'the hills' to distinctly represent two different sides of the same coin. **What’s your favorite clothing brand?** Mmm, that’s really hard. I get everything off of Depop. I don’t really do fast fashion, I was watching these Youtube videos that scared me. I get everything off Depop so the brands always vary. A lot of the time I Google the tag, and they’re not even a brand anymore. Ones that are open, I love Asos. I get a lot of clothes from Asos.  **Do you like Lady Gaga?** Of course, I love Lady Gaga. “Shallow” is one of the best records ever. She’s such a talented actress too. She’s definitely, obviously, very universally, recognized and acclaimed as a singer, but she was so good and natural in A Star Is Born. She needs to be in more, I swear. **Any plans for tour when the album comes out?** I don’t know if y’all heard but there’s a pandemic going on, so touring is not in anyone’s immediate future. \[laughs\] But I’d love to, I love getting to play for people and going to places I’ve never been. I’d love to, but we gotta wait a little bit.  **What’s your favorite color?** Probably cream, a nice beige.  **Favorite memory on set?** One time I shot this Western movie, we got to shoot with horses the entire time. Going to work and getting to see these large animals you don’t get to see randomly in LA, that was fun. Also I shot a movie with the late Luke Perry and Bill Paxton, which is the most insane I ever did. I got to work with them, they’re two people I looked up to so much. I shot a movie with them in Texas, no one told me there are tarantulas in Texas. I knew they’re in Australia, but there’s something in their venom that can paralyze other bugs. Around set, I’d be walking through and always see tarantulas eating something. \[laughs\] It kept me on my toes. I loved it, I can’t lie. I’m not scared of spiders, you kidding? Photographed by Raul Romo ![Photographed by Raul Romo](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d2f9c6de9426520ea857_020-22-05-26%2B-%2BPC%2BRaul%2BRomo.jpeg) Photographed by Raul Romo **You’re not?** No, I’m not scared of anything except clowns and snakes. **Did you have a bad experience with clowns?** It’s like John Wayne Gacy, you know the serial killer who dressed up as a clown and hid all those boys? That’s all I think about when I see them. I don’t know what that man looks like under all that, it’s scary. It’s a full face mask, you don’t know.  **If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?** I’ve been watching a lot of old Marilyn Monroe interviews. I know that’s a cliché answer, but she was so misunderstood by the press and everyone. It’ll be really cool to get to talk to her and see what Hollywood was like.   **3 things you need in the studio?** My notebook, I write everything on paper. It’s a weird OCD thing. For sure food and snacks. I usually Postmates twice when I’m in the studio, once when I get there and once a few hours in. **What’s your favorite food?** Sushi, hands down. Normally I get a spicy tuna roll, but I’ll add some avocado or jalapeños so it’s extra spicy. My favorite place in LA is Robata JINYA on 3rd Street. I’ll get a triple hog roll, it’s not on the menu anymore so you have to tell them. I like Veggie Grill. I like pretty much every food. The only food I don’t like is burgers, I don’t know why. It’s ‘cause I can’t open my mouth that big. **Best encounter you had with a fan?** All of them really, it's the coolest thing ever to talk to someone that finds comfort in something you’ve done. That’s a really cool experience, bonding over shared feelings is something I don’t think us as people get to do enough. It’s cool I get to connect with all these people around the world that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to, that’s really special.  **What do you do to stay grounded?** I’m the most anxious person ever. Naturally, I wake up and my heart’s pounding every day for some reason. I have to remind myself to breathe all the time. Sometimes I catch myself breathing really shallow, I have to remind myself to breathe like a person. That grounds me. I try to meditate but not gonna lie, I haven’t done it in a minute. I need to, I always say I’m going to do it. I sit in the shower sometimes, that’s nice. Chill on the ground, it sounds really sad but it’s not because I’m sad. It’s relaxing. We can’t go to hot tubs right now, I have to do something.  **Do you like baths or do you just like to sit at the bottom of the shower?**  The thing about baths is you’re sitting in your gross soup water, your own filth. It’s gross to me. Every time I take a bath, I have to rinse off in the shower afterwards. I feel like I didn’t really get clean. **Favorite song to sing in the shower?** Probably something from _Phantom of the Opera_, that’s kind of humiliating but... or _Mamma Mia!,_ I won’t lie. “When I Kissed the Teacher” or “Fernando.”  **One thing fans may not know about you?** I can crack my wrists. \[cracks wrists\] I’m really good at pogo sticking. I got into that in Idaho because there’s nothing to do, so you have to find things to do. I found a pogo stick in my cousin’s garage and took it.  **Did you ever fall?** I did, I cracked my head pogo sticking. I was going down stairs and it was raining, it was like Darwinism honestly. **Do you fall in love frequently?** No, I don’t. I’m an Aquarius. I don’t know if I fully believe in Zodiac so I’m not going to use that as my rationing. \[laughs\] It takes me awhile because I’m… I don’t know, fucked up.  **Are you toxic?** I’m not toxic at all, I just don’t fall in love frequently. It’s a big thing for me. **Do you believe in true love?** I don’t know what differentiates true love from love, but I do believe in love. I don’t know if I believe in soulmates, I’m cynical and I’m skeptical. Give me the science, give me the tangible evidence to prove that you’re paired with one person at birth and you find them. You have a ton of soulmates. There are 7+ billion people on this planet. Statistically speaking, you’d get along very well with a lot of them. A lot of it is chance.  **What do you look for in a girl?** I don’t look for anything really. Girls, guys, I don't have a type. I get along with people I vibe with, that are funny. That’s my biggest thing. I don’t really have a set type. I’m down for whatever, to be honest. **Anything else you want to let the people know?** No honestly, I've done more talking than I’ve done in 6 months. I laid it all out there.