Alpha’a X Pintô International

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[Alpha’a](https://www.alphaainc.com/home), the online curator and vendor for independent artists, has announced its collaboration with [Pintô International](http://www.pintoart.org/) which will feature limited edition prints from the contemporary Filipino artist [Leeroy New](http://leeroynew.com/). Aliens of Manila: New York Colony ![Aliens of Manila: New York Colony](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b73e53cc0c6d5cc31880_Flaunt%2BAlpha%25E2%2580%2599a%2Bx%2BPint%25C3%25B4%2BInternational%2BJalyn%2BEaton%2B2.png) Aliens of Manila: New York Colony Pintô International is a New York- based institution that promotes contemporary Philippine art to an international audience. The Brazilian-born, New York-based founders of Alpha’a, Manuela Seve and Renata Thomé, strive to make the works of young, independent artists accessible around the world by use of technology and interactive curation which allows its audience to vote on artwork that is sold on their website. Aliens of Manila: New York Colony ![Aliens of Manila: New York Colony](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b73e53cc0c6d5cc3187d_Flaunt%2BAlpha%25E2%2580%2599a%2Bx%2BPint%25C3%25B4%2BInternational%2BJalyn%2BEaton%2B4.png) Aliens of Manila: New York Colony The collaboration follows Pintô International’s spring exhibition of Leeroy New’s Installation [_Aliens of Manila: New York Colony_](http://www.pintoart.org/exhibitions/), which is on display at Pintô International’s gallery in New York City’s East Village until May 27. Aliens of Manila: New York Colony ![Aliens of Manila: New York Colony](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472b73e53cc0c6d5cc31876_Flaunt%2BAlpha%25E2%2580%2599a%2Bx%2BPint%25C3%25B4%2BInternational%2BJalyn%2BEaton%2B5.jpeg) Aliens of Manila: New York Colony Leeroy New’s prints are available for purchase [here](https://www.alphaainc.com/special_projects/pinto).