Austin Sands wears his influences on his sleeve with "Cruise"

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Photographed by Mika Boorem ![Photographed by Mika Boorem](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d754e793aeb33b26f52f_AustinSandsFLAUNT%2B%25285%2529.jpeg) Photographed by [Mika Boorem](https://mailtrack.io/trace/link/b3dc0f646d503986f26b26dcab6adadfda1f4ab2?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fmikaboorem%2F&userId=2632024&signature=243d3002574a687c) "Oh, so that's what I'm hearing. Yes, I get it!" That was my thought listening to the impeccable upbeat flow of influences and sounds coming out of [Austin Sands](https://www.instagram.com/theaustinsands/?hl=en)’ newest single. There is Cali-heavy pop-punk infused with danceable synth rhythmics and more-than-a-touch of Spanish guitar phrasing, carefully and deliberately placed across the entire length of the song. Austin is not shy about using a bit of Blink-182 here and a bit of Andrés Segovia there. Though some of you may remember him from the rock/electronica group Metro Station, this is really the first time hearing his music. It's no surprise that the introductory track to Austin's fresh melodic produce is so eclectic and interesting, the man's a hardcore multi-instrumentalist and music-lover who has fully immersed himself in composition, appreciation, and formal study since the age of 9, even studying under the stellar tutelage of classical guitarist Gregory Coleman. And don't forget he's also an entrepreneur and eyewear designer. Austin is the co-founder of Shamballa eyewear and fierce collaborator of luxury brand Hoorsenbuhs. "Cruise" is above all things perfect at communicating the time and place of its conception so crispy-clear. One day Austin was driving down the Pacific Coast Highway, taking in the magical vistas and atmosphere of California, perhaps cherishing the meaningful connections he's made in his life. Somehow, sometime later, he reproduced that exact scene—that very feeling by turning it into a song. This is like when a great oil painter goes to a beautiful spot and starts brushing away, capturing something that a photograph cannot, only Austin did it after the fact. _That_ is music.