Saving the world is voluntary. We could certainly argue against that statement from a moral point of view, but the fact remains: there are no laws or restrictions in place that will force anyone to take the necessary steps towards contributing to build a sustainable society. However, there is no doubt that we have young leaders working on the cause. Climate Change “Greta Thunberg”, Education “Malala Yousafzai”, and Healthcare “Benjamin Bocio”.
Young activist and humanitarian, Benjamin Bocio co-authored WE HAVE A DREAM a book funded by Project Hope, Japan and presented as “One World in One book”. The book collects stories of global activism. WE HAVE A DREAM is led by Taichi Ichikawa (co-founder of World Road). The bookquickly became a bestselling in Japan. Ichikawa realized that the power of storytelling strikes people’s hearts.
Project Hope partnered with Discovery Channel to produce a Global Documentary that will showcase the authors of WE HAVE A DREAM. In the last months, Taichi Ichikawa traveled to Nepal, Azerbaijan, and Haiti to capture the dreams of young leaders contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The documentary envisions a global movement that will increase readers' voluntary efforts to achieve the SDGs. In addition, this book marks the beginning of a global documentary that aims to create a positive change in the viewer's mind.
Young activists are not afraid to speak. An unprecedented number of young people are making their voices heard at the annual high-level meeting of world leaders at the United Nations. Based on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ensuring the SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being should be a high priority for any functioning society but when it comes to naming a humanitarian known for global activism in the field of healthcare the name Benjamin Bocio must be mentioned. The humanitarian has positioned his social cause “Healthcare for everyone; everywhere” under the activist’s radar. Benjamin who is an activist, humanitarian, and dentist began his journey back in 2010 after becoming aware of the myriad of health disparities that the Dominican healthcare system was facing. Same year, he cofounded a charity with his family called FUMEBO.
He wants to inspire the youth. Benjamin Bocio took this opportunity to honor children living in low-income communities by reflecting in the book their happiness. He is in fact, the only co-author in the book that does not have a single photo but rather a group photo, for Benjamin, WE HAVE A DREAM was the perfect platform to show his passion for helping people facing extreme conditions. The photo he chose, represents a project that he is running with Colgate-Palmolive, Dominican Republic, called "Prevention is better than extraction”. Benjamin’s work with this project is based on the sustainable care of children born in unfavorable conditions. He advocates for their dreams, and he is convinced that the smiles of these children reflect hope for humanity.
Benjamin joined the project as a coauthor, but WE HAVE A DREAM is also recommended by senior global figures and high-impact world leaders such as Mary Robinson (First Woman President of Ireland), Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Former President of Liberia, First Woman President of Africa), Professor Muhammad Yunus (Nobel Peace Laureate), Her Majesty Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck, Ronald Garan (Former NASA Astronaut), Prof. Jan Peter Balkenende (Former Prime Minister of Netherlands), among others.
Read the full Flaunt exclusive interview with Benjamin Bocio Richardson below as he discussed more details about, WE HAVE A DREAM. What does WE HAVE A DREAM mean to you?
For me it means the future. This project promotes the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The SDGs are 17 interrelated goals, all necessary to achieve peace and prosperity in our world. Taichi Ichikawa have worked very hard for this project, and I am very happy to see the impact that this book is having on the younger generation. This book teaches children and adolescents about the world’s most pressing issues and what they can do to join our battle. Similarly, I love the fact that WE HAVE A DREAM is a sustainable and non-traditional way of promoting education.
According to reports fromother sources, Benjamin is back to dental school this time at Boston University, so we asked him, why?
I needed to take this step in my career to improve my education and BU Dental gave me the opportunity. I’ve to admit that this new clinical experience has not been easy, I am still working in my country with humanitarian projects while I am doing the program, and I feel honored because I am studying with a very diverse group of classmates and learning from a well-prepared group of faculties, they are all unique including the staff. I also like the fact that the school is connected to Boston Medical Center, so I have access to learn from top-notch Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons.
How do you see yourself in the future?
I want to continue my education and continue to work towards a most sustainable society; therefore, I am sure that anywhere I am, I will continue working to contribute to our society in a positive way, not to gain recognition but because, unfortunately, many people came into this world in a disadvantage position and all of them deserve the opportunity to achieve their dreams, just as we do. I always ask myself, as a human being, what I can do to help people who are facing extreme conditions and who really want to outdo themselves.
Advice for young people who also want to succeed in life and join the fight for equitable sustainable development?
I consider that I am not the best one to answer this question, because finding success is subjective and means many things. I am still in the process of building my own path.
The advice I can give them is to focus on their dreams, try to help the people around them, learn from their own mistakes, respect those who are more experience and never change their north by listening inexperienced and self-centered people. Covid-19 left a mental health crisis in the world and a great deal of the affected population is manifesting it through frustration and aggressiveness, that is why there is a marked increase in violence rates, and we must be prepared to handle it professionally in every aspect of our lives.
Keep in mind that no matter what you do, there will always be people who will try to undermine your work and your beliefs. Don’t compete with anyone, compete with yourself to achieve your goals, and be sure to acknowledge positive and constructive feedback from people doing positive things.
Do you see yourself in the entertainment industry?
We can never say never. Currently, I see myself working as a healthcare provider, but I know that I will always try to get involved in projects related to sustainable development. It is part of my personal mission in the world.
Where can we buy, WE HAVE A DREAM?
It’s available on Amazon.
Photographed by Sintia Mendez Styled by Roanny Valdez Stylist Assistant by Laura Bobadilla

Saving the world is voluntary. We could certainly argue against that statement from a moral point of view, but the fact remains: there are no laws or restrictions in place that will force anyone to take the necessary steps towards contributing to build a sustainable society. However, there is no doubt that we have young leaders working on the cause. Climate Change “Greta Thunberg”, Education “Malala Yousafzai”, and Healthcare “Benjamin Bocio”.
Young activist and humanitarian, Benjamin Bocio co-authored WE HAVE A DREAM a book funded by Project Hope, Japan and presented as “One World in One book”. The book collects stories of global activism. WE HAVE A DREAM is led by Taichi Ichikawa (co-founder of World Road). The bookquickly became a bestselling in Japan. Ichikawa realized that the power of storytelling strikes people’s hearts.
Project Hope partnered with Discovery Channel to produce a Global Documentary that will showcase the authors of WE HAVE A DREAM. In the last months, Taichi Ichikawa traveled to Nepal, Azerbaijan, and Haiti to capture the dreams of young leaders contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The documentary envisions a global movement that will increase readers' voluntary efforts to achieve the SDGs. In addition, this book marks the beginning of a global documentary that aims to create a positive change in the viewer's mind.
Young activists are not afraid to speak. An unprecedented number of young people are making their voices heard at the annual high-level meeting of world leaders at the United Nations. Based on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ensuring the SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being should be a high priority for any functioning society but when it comes to naming a humanitarian known for global activism in the field of healthcare the name Benjamin Bocio must be mentioned. The humanitarian has positioned his social cause “Healthcare for everyone; everywhere” under the activist’s radar. Benjamin who is an activist, humanitarian, and dentist began his journey back in 2010 after becoming aware of the myriad of health disparities that the Dominican healthcare system was facing. Same year, he cofounded a charity with his family called FUMEBO.
He wants to inspire the youth. Benjamin Bocio took this opportunity to honor children living in low-income communities by reflecting in the book their happiness. He is in fact, the only co-author in the book that does not have a single photo but rather a group photo, for Benjamin, WE HAVE A DREAM was the perfect platform to show his passion for helping people facing extreme conditions. The photo he chose, represents a project that he is running with Colgate-Palmolive, Dominican Republic, called "Prevention is better than extraction”. Benjamin’s work with this project is based on the sustainable care of children born in unfavorable conditions. He advocates for their dreams, and he is convinced that the smiles of these children reflect hope for humanity.
Benjamin joined the project as a coauthor, but WE HAVE A DREAM is also recommended by senior global figures and high-impact world leaders such as Mary Robinson (First Woman President of Ireland), Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Former President of Liberia, First Woman President of Africa), Professor Muhammad Yunus (Nobel Peace Laureate), Her Majesty Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck, Ronald Garan (Former NASA Astronaut), Prof. Jan Peter Balkenende (Former Prime Minister of Netherlands), among others.
Read the full Flaunt exclusive interview with Benjamin Bocio Richardson below as he discussed more details about, WE HAVE A DREAM. What does WE HAVE A DREAM mean to you?
For me it means the future. This project promotes the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The SDGs are 17 interrelated goals, all necessary to achieve peace and prosperity in our world. Taichi Ichikawa have worked very hard for this project, and I am very happy to see the impact that this book is having on the younger generation. This book teaches children and adolescents about the world’s most pressing issues and what they can do to join our battle. Similarly, I love the fact that WE HAVE A DREAM is a sustainable and non-traditional way of promoting education.
According to reports fromother sources, Benjamin is back to dental school this time at Boston University, so we asked him, why?
I needed to take this step in my career to improve my education and BU Dental gave me the opportunity. I’ve to admit that this new clinical experience has not been easy, I am still working in my country with humanitarian projects while I am doing the program, and I feel honored because I am studying with a very diverse group of classmates and learning from a well-prepared group of faculties, they are all unique including the staff. I also like the fact that the school is connected to Boston Medical Center, so I have access to learn from top-notch Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons.
How do you see yourself in the future?
I want to continue my education and continue to work towards a most sustainable society; therefore, I am sure that anywhere I am, I will continue working to contribute to our society in a positive way, not to gain recognition but because, unfortunately, many people came into this world in a disadvantage position and all of them deserve the opportunity to achieve their dreams, just as we do. I always ask myself, as a human being, what I can do to help people who are facing extreme conditions and who really want to outdo themselves.
Advice for young people who also want to succeed in life and join the fight for equitable sustainable development?
I consider that I am not the best one to answer this question, because finding success is subjective and means many things. I am still in the process of building my own path.
The advice I can give them is to focus on their dreams, try to help the people around them, learn from their own mistakes, respect those who are more experience and never change their north by listening inexperienced and self-centered people. Covid-19 left a mental health crisis in the world and a great deal of the affected population is manifesting it through frustration and aggressiveness, that is why there is a marked increase in violence rates, and we must be prepared to handle it professionally in every aspect of our lives.
Keep in mind that no matter what you do, there will always be people who will try to undermine your work and your beliefs. Don’t compete with anyone, compete with yourself to achieve your goals, and be sure to acknowledge positive and constructive feedback from people doing positive things.
Do you see yourself in the entertainment industry?
We can never say never. Currently, I see myself working as a healthcare provider, but I know that I will always try to get involved in projects related to sustainable development. It is part of my personal mission in the world.
Where can we buy, WE HAVE A DREAM?
It’s available on Amazon.
Photographed by Sintia Mendez Styled by Roanny Valdez Stylist Assistant by Laura Bobadilla