Brian León | New Single "Wine Stained Shirt"

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Photographed by Brandon Michael Young ![Photographed by Brandon Michael Young](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d5ecc4e0411e8d704ba4_brianleon-flaunt2.png) Photographed by Brandon Michael Young Moving to Los Angeles at the ripe age of 18, queer Chicano singer-songwriter [Brian León](https://www.brianleonmusic.com) is inspired by art from both the past and present. With the premiere of his newest single “Wine Stained Shirt” on July 9, León creates a world of nostalgia and romance. Following his 2019 single “Don’t Leave,” his newest ballad is reminiscent of past lovers and heartbreak. “Sometimes we do not know how drunk in love we are until we see the spilled wine all over our clothes,” says León. [BRIAN LEÓN](https://soundcloud.com/brianleonmusic "BRIAN LEÓN") · [Wine Stained Shirt](https://soundcloud.com/brianleonmusic/wine-stained-shirt-1/s-EDaIX5bxIu6 "Wine Stained Shirt") The up-and-coming indie artist will also share his debut EP, _Morning Sun_, later this year. León will explore the themes of heritage, identity, and sexuality in hopes to appeal to a generation that is complex, yet so very accepting. In between recording for _Morning Sun_, León self-published a project of collaborative poetry and photography titled _Esperanza_. Proceeds from the project went towards helping Latinx and LGBTQ communities. brianleon-flaunt.jpg ![brianleon-flaunt.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d5ebc4e0411e8d704ba0_brianleon-flaunt.jpeg) Photographed by Brandon Michael Young