High Self-Belief and Lucid Entrepreneurial Skills Have Catapulted Brittney Jones as a Business Coach.

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![](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d682cfb1874d79f01b20_Screen%2BShot%2B2021-07-23%2Bat%2B3.43.15%2BPM.png) A normal human being lives a very predictable life. They follow the traditional path of studying well, getting work in a typical 9 to 5 job, and retire. But some individuals, break the traditional boundaries and venture into the unknown to attain phenomenal success. Among them is an entrepreneur who has scaled to the top in the business coaching industry; with her courage, self-belief, and undeterred passion, she is Brittney Jones.  Brittney Jones is a global leader in the online business coaching industry and has created a thriving community of over 100K students, providing them with her astute guidance to build an online business.  But Brittney's journey to the top is uncanny. As a teenager, she always wanted to become an entrepreneur. At 16, she even started her business but had to settle with the typical career path of studying well and getting a job. After her studies, she got a job in the banking sector and was introduced to the perils of a 9 to 5 work culture. She noticed how people would crib about their jobs and count down days until their retirement. Her entrepreneurial instinct would get overshadowed by her lack of confidence. By that time, Brittney had managed to build a decent social media presence, mainly on her Instagram. Her life was a typical one until one local business owner reached out to her to get guidance about setting up their business online. Her suggestions bore great results to them, and more people began asking Brittney out for her guidance over a glass of wine. This continued until one owner enquired if she can be hired for her ideas; this is when Brittney gained confidence and decided to venture into entrepreneurship, and her social media company Brittney Jones CEO was born. Brittney Jones showed courage and it paid off as her business model garnered incredible word of mouth. Her patience to hear and make people understand won her the brownie points and before you know it, she became one of the industry leaders. She created interesting methods to help her clients grow in the online business world. Brittney speaks to audiences at conferences worldwide and has built many in-demand courses; she even runs a weekly podcast called "The Underestimate me Podcast". She empowers her clients to have a high self-belief, carefully carving out relatable strategies for online success. To find out more about Brittney Jones:  [Website](https://www.brittneyjonesceo.com) [Instagram](https://instagram.com/brittneyceo)