How Cody Jefferson Overcame a Lifetime of Challenge to Become a Life Coach
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/29b20302-7d06-4601-a767-c1329b6fffe9/codyver2.jpeg) Happiness doesn’t come from materialistic pleasures. It is more of a mental state of fulfillment that comes from a sense of freedom from within. Entrepreneurs or people in upper-level c-suite positions suffer the most from unfulfillment after they realize money cannot buy happiness. Most of their success comes from sacrificing their personal life, spiritual life, or personal fulfillment. This leads to a void that can be filled with self-empowerment. Cody Jefferson has stepped into this space to help these entrepreneurs regain their focus through self-motivation and become the best version of themselves. As a business and life coach, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker, Cody has become a sought-after personality after helping thousands of people find fulfillment in life. Born in Parsons, Kansas, Cody hails from a normal family background. He started his career as a pastor serving in the ministry. This helped him develop a deep faith without the fluff and theatrics of mainstream religion. He continued to be a pastor for 13 years until a series of unfair incidents completely changed the course of his life. Cody had a public divorce that took a toll on his mental health. No sooner had he overcome the situation, Cody faced another blow in his life. 8 of his family members passed away within a year. Cody even saw some of his friends committing suicide under the tremendous pressure to meet societal standards. Burying so many people was not easy for Cody as he felt completely broken inside. Just when he thought he could never return to his happier self, Cody remembered that he was a father and it was his responsibility to give his child a fulfilling life. "What needs to die in me to become the man I said I'd be?" was the idea that helped Cody collect his broken pieces and pivot his life in a positive direction. Today, Cody is the founder of Embrace The Lion and Lion: Elite. Embrace The Lion is a foundation that helps men be the best versions of themselves both in and out of the office. It has helped more than 4K people strike a perfect balance between their personal and professional lives through self-empowerment. He educates people on making an impact and growing their businesses while also achieving fulfillment within. The foundation promotes a sense of brotherhood among men to enhance support to overcome any crisis in their personal lives. Lion: Elite is a group performance program for kingdom-minded men. During the last 5 years, Cody has been passionately guiding this program to help people emerge as winners in their lives. He follows a 4 pillar approach that includes head (thoughts), heart (relationships), health, and habits to empower people and become the person they have always wanted to be. Cody's personal life experiences, the trauma, and the pain that he has gone through and eventually overcame helped him realize the pain of others and guide them as a true life coach who has practically walked the path. Cody's contributions and success as a life and business coach have earned him huge recognition around the world. As a speaker, Cody has graced many global platforms and has been mentioned in over 200 motivational podcasts. He is looking forward to continuing the legacy and helping people find fulfillment by becoming the best version of themselves.