Flaunt Premiere | Dana Dentata "GAF"

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Photographed by Indiana Piorek. ![Photographed by Indiana Piorek.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bbbe5af0433828a87187_Flaunt%2BMagazine%2Bdana%2Bdentata%2B1.jpeg) Photographed by [Indiana Piorek](https://www.instagram.com/indiana420bitch/?hl=en). The metal-rap temptress [Dana Dentata](https://www.instagram.com/danadentata/?hl=en) released her new music video for “GAF” which she also directed herself. This falls into place with her new EP that was released, _Daddy Loves You._ Not only does her music criticize patriarchal society, but it battles the topic of women’s rights. For so long, Dentata had many issues herself claiming the rights to her own music. She struggled for a while until she found the voice she needed in order to help herself other women as well. The gothic, hard-edged look she has parallels her metal-rap music. Her music is empowering but also is perfect to play in the car. Her authenticity is clear and so is her intentions with music. Below is her new video for “GAF”. This song speaks out for all women and is bound to make you feel emotion while jamming out. Women who are pissed off about our male-dominant society can be inspired by Dentata who uses her art to fight against the forbearing patriarch. “Lil Blood” is a perfect piece of work that conveys her musical intentions. This song is the ultimate femme-anthem tackling the topic of menstruation and shooting down toxic masculinity, you can view it below.