Duncan Laurence | More Than Just A ‘Small Town Boy’

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Photo Credit: Paul Bellaart ![Photo Credit: Paul Bellaart](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d80ee4c61dfcfca08057_FLAUNTDuncan%2BLaurence%2Bby%2BPaul%2BBellaart%2B15.jpeg) Photo Credit: Paul Bellaart [Duncan Laurence](https://www.instagram.com/itsduncanlaurence/?hl=en) is officially _A Small Town Boy_—the name of his debut album. Released via Spark Records at the tail end of last year, the 13-track body of work recently received the deluxe treatment, adding 4 more incredible songs to the original.  Hailing from the small town of Hellevoetsluis in the Netherlands, the Dutch singer-songwriter is the definition of a music-lover, someone who genuinely loves music and utilizes it as a form of expression. Penning heartfelt lyrics inspired by real-life experiences and struggles we can all relate to, Laurence turned to music after he was being bullied by his peers.  Duncan exploded onto the scene with his viral smash “Arcade,” leaving a lasting impact on audiences all around the world. Thanks to TikTok, the song recently surged in numbers again, accumulating over one billion combined streams globally while being placed in endless charts. Now, he somehow finds his niche between alternative rock, pop, and folk. At the end of the day, Duncan is simply an individual chasing his dreams, inspiring his fans to do the same along the way. _Flaunt_ caught up with Duncan via Zoom, who had recently dyed his hair blonde. Read below as we discuss as we discuss his roots in the Netherlands, biggest influences, “Arcade” taking off and how FLETCHER landed on the song, “Harry Potter” blowing up on TikTok, his television appearances, creating _Small Town Boy_ during Covid, being LGBTQ and representing his community, and more! Photo Credit: Paul Bellaart ![Photo Credit: Paul Bellaart](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d80ee4c61dfcfca0805b_FLAUNT%2BDuncan%2BLaurence%2Bby%2BPaul%2BBellaart%2B13.jpeg) Photo Credit: Paul Bellaart **Where are you located?** I'm in Amsterdam right now. It's been quite some rainy days, we didn't really have summer so it's not that amazing. You’re located in Los Angeles? That’s a lot better. \[laughs\] **You say you’re a “small town boy who had a dream and is trying to achieve it.” What’s your dream?** Being world famous. \[laughs\] No, I've always loved music. Music’s been my remedy ever since I was young. I was bullied a lot growing up in a small town. Music was my safe haven, it allowed me to be me. My dream is truly is to make music and hopefully help people that are in the same situation I was when I was young. Hopefully through music, what music did for me, comfort them and help them a little bit.  **What was a young Duncan like growing up in Hellevoetsluis?** It was okay, I had great parents growing up. The only thing that was not nice was the fact I was bullied everyday in school, ever since I was 4 up until I was 18 because of the way I looked. I was a little chubby, I had freckles. I had Harry Potter glasses. I had the ultimate x-factor for bullies. On top of that I had another sexuality too, which I was trying to find out myself being young still and not knowing what it actually meant. Luckily, I had music. I had a really old dusty keyboard I got from my grandmother because she knew how much I loved music. I played her organ every single day when I was with her, she got me that. It really became the remedy I need everyday to be me and create that world, songs. Be able to make mistakes and see them turn into beautiful melodies, chords, or lyrics. That was amazing. **Who were your biggest influences?** Fleetwood Mac. When I was young, I used to listen to a lot of Elvis Presley, The Beatles. Definitely Phil Collins. Definitely Elton John, U2, Queen, the list goes on and on. Nowadays, I listen to Noah Cyrus. Troye Sivan. Allie X. It goes on and on, I could talk forever. \[laughs\] **Did you expect "Arcade" to take off the way it did? Congrats on getting certified Platinum in the U.S.** Thank you! I never expected this. Again, I'm from a very small town and a very small country. The Neverlands, it's not a country famous for people that are musicians worldwide. I'm very happy I got the chance to show my music on such a big platform. It's the whole world, it’s going everywhere. Thanks to a lot of people, but mainly thanks to people that started using it on TikTok and on all sorts of social media platforms. It evolved into Spotify, etc. It's been amazing to see that journey happen. When I wrote that song about 5 years ago, I never expected my first single to blow up like this. No, not at all. **How did FLETCHER get on the record?** The original track without FLETCHER, I wrote that 5 years ago when I was studying. I was sitting behind a piano at this conservatory where I studied. I was sick of all of the singing exercises: “la-la-la-la-la-la.” I wanted to start writing music again because that's what I did that made me happy. This was a story I had for a long time in my mind. It's based off a friend of the family who passed away when I was younger. She longed for the love of her life to say goodbye but he never did. She kept staring outside of the room, she wanted to say goodbye.  That was a very tragic story, I always have that in the back of my mind. I started writing and things came out. That's how "Arcade" was born. I took it to 2 other writers to help finish up the lyrics. I wasn't that good at English back then, so we Dutches have to do what we have to do to get there. I took it to a producer, it was amazing. A year later, I did Eurovision in the meantime. I won Eurovision with "Arcade,” then signed to Capitol Music. My A&R Carter, he's amazing, he introduced me to FLETCHER. I got introduced to her music and said “who’s this power woman? She's insane! Her voice is amazing. She looks amazing. She's a queer artist, which I love.” I was so impressed by her. A year later, I got a message and she said, "Should I do a little part on ‘Arcade’? Can I do my verse on "Arcade’?” I said yes right away.  **How'd it feel to win the Eurovision contest?** Amazing, it was incredible. If you don't know Eurovision, go watch that movie that Will Ferrell made. It's so crazy. It's even more crazy than that in real life, such a fun adventure. It was the first thing I ever did as an artist. I was only writing songs up until the point where I got the chance to perform my song on Eurovision. That's how I started as a performer and a singer. **How does it feel to blow on TikTok with “Harry Potter”?** First off, I love Harry Potter. If one group of people had to pick it up, I love that it's Harry Potter. I try to create a world with my music, and Harry Potter has that all. You can dive into that world and get lost in it. It's a great example for me to do that with my music too. Hopefully those people will like more of my music. It's so crazy to see it blowing up on TikTok. It's such an emotional song, such personal lyrics to me. To see that it's universally felt in that way is beautiful. That's the power of music, especially during COVID. We all needed music and stories during COVID and I was one of those stories that got shared so much. It’s amazing. **How was it performing "Arcade" on the _Today Show_?** I wasn't nervous. I had everything figured out. I had the whole thing down. “Okay we're gonna do water on the floor. We're gonna do lights there, I'm gonna sit behind the piano. I'm gonna have my band with me.” It was so nice to finally be able to play with my band again and perform, after such a long time of not being able to. It was my first ever TV appearance for America, the first time so I was really really excited. I was a little nervous for the interview after though. I thought it was scary, we don't have those huge morning shows here in the Netherlands. We only have 60 million inhabitants so to have an interview on such a big platform after something like Eurovision, that's one of the biggest things I’ve done. And the _Ellen_ _Show_ ofcourse. **How did it compare to _Ellen_?** It was crazy again. We had this whole thing figured out. We did it pre-recorded of course because we did the duet with FLETCHER. It was so amazing to see those two worlds combined. The really moody, dark Dutch weather meets LA's orange, blue, red sky. It was so pretty to see that happening. It was really the sun went down on my side, and the sun went up on FLETCHER'S side. That was so cool about the performance, I loved it.  **How does it feel to release _Small Town Boy_?** It was a little crazy to release my first album ever during COVID. It was crazy because I didn't really get to celebrate it that much because I had to sit at home, but I was very proud. We finished it during COVID, it was nice to be in the studio and produce some tracks myself, also which is a big dream of mine ever since I started writing songs. I'm very proud. Right now, I'm writing a lot of new songs. We’re probably able to go into a studio again now, so I'm very happy.  It was so cool to do it during COVID because we had something really cool to do, but I'm very happy it's over now. I can do it the normal way with the second album and all the new music. \[laughs\]  **What do you want fans to take away from the project?**  I hope they find comfort. I hope they find a safe place to be themselves, to listen to the lyrics and think "hey if this guy from this small town can do it and achieve his dreams? Then maybe I can do it too, let’s give it a try."  **3 things you need in the studio?** I don’t need that much. Give me a piano, a microphone, and it's already enough. Give me another microphone for the piano and I’ll do it. It’s all about music for me. I don't need all those extra rituals or whatever to perform. I love music and that's what I do.  **How was it playing overseas for over 10K people?** It was in Paris for the Etta James radio stadium gig. It was amazing! 2 years ago I did a European tour and I literally had 30 people in the room in France. Eurovision isn't that big in France, they don’t really like it. To see that all of the sudden become 10K people singing along to "Arcade" was incredible. **Talk about being an LGBTQ artist and representing that community.** You're always a little more aware of yourself and what you do, the story you want to share. I really want to show people that even though I'm queer and bisexual, I can still be what I want to achieve. Don't let it hold you back. Don't think that people think bad of you. Of course there are people that do, but focus on the people that are positive and constructive. I have an amazing team around me, I have great fans. What it means to me is you can be that little bit of an example of other LGBTQ young kids or whoever’s out there. Tell them you know, we got each other. We're a community, we're a part of a big family. I’ll hopefully show you how you can achieve whatever you want one day, that's what I'm trying at least.  **What does it mean to have "Heaven Is A Hand To Hold" in Season 2 of _Love Victor_.** It’s watched by so many young queer kids. It's so cool to be a part of a show I wished was on TV and or Netflix when I was young. If I saw a show like that, I wouldn't have thought I was the crazy one. I would’ve thought, "Oh, there's people out there like me." To be a part of such a big and important thing worldwide, that's so cool. I was really honored. It's a really cool song so it was amazing.  **What’re you most excited for next?** I'm really excited to dive into the studio and write new music. I've been to Portugal recently to write a lot and focus on new music, to shape my vision for the new music. Right now I'm doing a bunch of sessions. I'm very excited to get into the studio but most of all, get into the studio in LA. I hope things will open up soon again because I'm not able to travel right now, but we'll see. Hopefully things will change for the better soon, maybe perform even in the US.  **Have you been to the States?** I've been to Los Angeles 3 times, but I haven't been any further. \[laughs\] I was in LA when COVID hit, then I stayed a couple months. I had to go back and I couldn't come back anymore.