EDST, known as EveryDay Success Team, is a Global Community filled with creators around the world! They strive to be a one-stop-shop agency covering every aspect of their client’s marketing in-house. This aim to make it easier for their clients to scale and focus on what’s really important to them...running their business. With services ranging from everything social media marketing, paid advertising, website and app development, billboards around the country, music marketing/distribution, press and publications and even online e-com and courses...the company has a place for everyone.
They believe that they take pride in client relationships, offering every client a personal point of contact at the company. This means each client has the personal phone number of an account manager to help communicate, grow and build a relationship with so they never feel alone during their marketing journey. EDST was founded by creators, it is run by creators to serve creators.
As a company, they strive to provide clients personally tailored recommendations for marketing based on who the client is, where they are at in their online marketing journey, and the goals they have moving forward. In the years to come, the company is planning on moving in the direction of live shows to highlight their clients and managers as well as more in-person events to segue this online company and community to the physical world.
Working with EDST means working with the real people that come with it. They believe that their team of managers and staff are filled with hard-working, dedicated individuals from all around the world who all have one common goal...to keep growing every day. The company has been able to achieve incredible results for all of their paid advertising clients across Facebook/Instagram and they are continuously growing their book of clients who have put their trust in EDST.
EveryDay Success Team doesn’t ever stop, they are constantly working on improving their services and support as well as finding new ways to offer their new and existing clients more value. The goal of the company is to provide a community of real people pushing each other forward so no matter who you are, where you come from, or what your goals are...there is someone within the community to help push you forward whether that be as a friend or as a mentor.
Moving into 2022, the focus is solely on innovation for their clients. Finding new ways to offer even more to their clients so every client can truly get one step closer to their goals every day. The process of building an online brand isn’t always easy, but EDST believes they make the process simple, fun, and transparent. Their motto is “Real People, Real Results” for a reason!
To learn more about EveryDay Success Team and to get involved, check out their website [here](https://everydaysuccessteam.com/)
Follow EveryDay Success Team on Instagram [here](https://www.instagram.com/everydaysuccessteam/)