Learn to Deal With Unresolved Trauma to Manifest Your Best Life With Elisabeth Hoekstra
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/2d9157fb-627b-40a6-b994-0b95cba9b943/Elisabeth+Hoekstra+%281%29.jpg) Experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event can be dangerous and terrifying, posing a significant threat to a person's life, especially during early childhood. Traumatic incidents such as accidents, violence, death of a loved one, physical/emotional abuse, and sexual abuse can result in trauma. Trauma victims often encounter strong feelings of fear, sadness, guilt, anger, or grief after the traumatic events occur. With adequate support and different methods, victims can recover. However, those who address it and don't get help can eventually experience severe mental issues and turn to mandy different types of addiction to cope. Unresolved trauma can also impact their relationships with family and friends and negatively affect their careers or education. Elisabeth Hoekstra is a well-established entrepreneur from Detroit, Michigan, who experienced trauma from an early age. Unable to get appropriate help to handle the effects of her traumatic experiences, she turned to drugs, alcohol, and partying to deal with her overwhelming emotions. Elisabeth also indulged in illegal activities in the streets to support her lifestyle, which ultimately landed her in jail for a few years. Despite living a dark life, Elisabeth was a talented model and actress and had successfully made her way to Hollywood. "I was in music videos, movies, TV shows, magazines, but hid a very dark side by portraying top model during the day," Elisabeth says. Being sent to jail was an eye-opener for Elisabeth. After her release from jail, she was determined to turn her life around and went back to school. Soon after, she was blessed with a baby, which Elisabeth shares contributed to her changed lifestyle. Today, Elisabeth is a very successful businesswoman and holds numerous credentials. She was the president of a mental health and wellness center, a proud holder of a certificate from Harvard University for Cell Biology, and the Director of Operations with 4biddenknowledge Inc. Elisabeth is also a best-selling author and has a hit podcast, Bio-Hack Your Best Life, which she hosts with Billy Carson. “Through efforts to help bring awareness to the toxic water conditions within Detroit Schools, they now have a filtration system built within many schools,” Elisabeth adds. Elisabeth has experienced 60 plus holistic modalities, making her an expert on hacking her mental and physical health. In her podcast, Bio-Hack Your Best Life, Elisabeth offers ways to become the co-creator of your best life by instilling more self-awareness, addressing the stress and trauma that manifest physically in your vessel, and changing your internal and external environments to live an optimal life. Through her life’s story and achievements, Elisabeth hopes to reach out to as many people as possible and change their lives for the better. She wants to help tip the world’s consciousness to create real change to usher in a golden age free of terrifying events that could result in trauma. She also looks forward to writing more best-selling books within the next couple of years as she shares her life’s journey and inspirations with the world. An astute entrepreneur, Elisabeth plans to expand her brand far and wide and help 4biddenknowledge Inc. grow past Amazon Prime and Netflix.
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/2d9157fb-627b-40a6-b994-0b95cba9b943/Elisabeth+Hoekstra+%281%29.jpg) Experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event can be dangerous and terrifying, posing a significant threat to a person's life, especially during early childhood. Traumatic incidents such as accidents, violence, death of a loved one, physical/emotional abuse, and sexual abuse can result in trauma. Trauma victims often encounter strong feelings of fear, sadness, guilt, anger, or grief after the traumatic events occur. With adequate support and different methods, victims can recover. However, those who address it and don't get help can eventually experience severe mental issues and turn to mandy different types of addiction to cope. Unresolved trauma can also impact their relationships with family and friends and negatively affect their careers or education. Elisabeth Hoekstra is a well-established entrepreneur from Detroit, Michigan, who experienced trauma from an early age. Unable to get appropriate help to handle the effects of her traumatic experiences, she turned to drugs, alcohol, and partying to deal with her overwhelming emotions. Elisabeth also indulged in illegal activities in the streets to support her lifestyle, which ultimately landed her in jail for a few years. Despite living a dark life, Elisabeth was a talented model and actress and had successfully made her way to Hollywood. "I was in music videos, movies, TV shows, magazines, but hid a very dark side by portraying top model during the day," Elisabeth says. Being sent to jail was an eye-opener for Elisabeth. After her release from jail, she was determined to turn her life around and went back to school. Soon after, she was blessed with a baby, which Elisabeth shares contributed to her changed lifestyle. Today, Elisabeth is a very successful businesswoman and holds numerous credentials. She was the president of a mental health and wellness center, a proud holder of a certificate from Harvard University for Cell Biology, and the Director of Operations with 4biddenknowledge Inc. Elisabeth is also a best-selling author and has a hit podcast, Bio-Hack Your Best Life, which she hosts with Billy Carson. “Through efforts to help bring awareness to the toxic water conditions within Detroit Schools, they now have a filtration system built within many schools,” Elisabeth adds. Elisabeth has experienced 60 plus holistic modalities, making her an expert on hacking her mental and physical health. In her podcast, Bio-Hack Your Best Life, Elisabeth offers ways to become the co-creator of your best life by instilling more self-awareness, addressing the stress and trauma that manifest physically in your vessel, and changing your internal and external environments to live an optimal life. Through her life’s story and achievements, Elisabeth hopes to reach out to as many people as possible and change their lives for the better. She wants to help tip the world’s consciousness to create real change to usher in a golden age free of terrifying events that could result in trauma. She also looks forward to writing more best-selling books within the next couple of years as she shares her life’s journey and inspirations with the world. An astute entrepreneur, Elisabeth plans to expand her brand far and wide and help 4biddenknowledge Inc. grow past Amazon Prime and Netflix.