Esmeralda Baez | Latina Author Who Keeps Thriving And Pushing Boundaries.
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/83934eee-3e59-4874-93b4-fad357ea583b/Screen+Shot+2022-09-09+at+11.11.34+AM.png) Many women have come forward today to showcase their A-game in different niches and have turned into powerful personalities working their way to the top, even amidst saturation and competition everywhere. We couldn't help but notice how one such influential and creative woman can pave her own path to success by putting into play her passion for writing as an author and her astuteness as a Latina entrepreneur. Esmeralda Baez, recently gained more buzz and amazing support after releasing her book "Reset & Reboot". The launch was a successful event in New York, which was sponsored by Dusse Cognac, Forbes The Culture, and Amazon books. It included an impactful presentation on the process of the book, what inspired her to publish such personal stories, who is the target audience and what is her overall purpose with the book. In the book, she throws light on regaining mindfulness, the power of manifestation, mastering the art of detoxing, and the long-term advantages of living a life with purpose. Esmeralda who today has a massive presence across various industries has remained determined to create opportunities for Black and Latino investors, has been an advocate for mental health and also promotes and celebrates courageous women through workshops and conferences. Esmeralda Baez's self-help inspirational book "Reset & Reboot" is one of those books where almost every single person can relate to and feel empowered by it. It has good quality pages filled with words or encouragement and wisdom. We are glad to see how well it has connected with the readers, gaining respect, love and appreciation. "Reset & Reboot" is available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Walmart, Apple and Itunes.
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/83934eee-3e59-4874-93b4-fad357ea583b/Screen+Shot+2022-09-09+at+11.11.34+AM.png) Many women have come forward today to showcase their A-game in different niches and have turned into powerful personalities working their way to the top, even amidst saturation and competition everywhere. We couldn't help but notice how one such influential and creative woman can pave her own path to success by putting into play her passion for writing as an author and her astuteness as a Latina entrepreneur. Esmeralda Baez, recently gained more buzz and amazing support after releasing her book "Reset & Reboot". The launch was a successful event in New York, which was sponsored by Dusse Cognac, Forbes The Culture, and Amazon books. It included an impactful presentation on the process of the book, what inspired her to publish such personal stories, who is the target audience and what is her overall purpose with the book. In the book, she throws light on regaining mindfulness, the power of manifestation, mastering the art of detoxing, and the long-term advantages of living a life with purpose. Esmeralda who today has a massive presence across various industries has remained determined to create opportunities for Black and Latino investors, has been an advocate for mental health and also promotes and celebrates courageous women through workshops and conferences. Esmeralda Baez's self-help inspirational book "Reset & Reboot" is one of those books where almost every single person can relate to and feel empowered by it. It has good quality pages filled with words or encouragement and wisdom. We are glad to see how well it has connected with the readers, gaining respect, love and appreciation. "Reset & Reboot" is available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Walmart, Apple and Itunes.