Splashing color over the spectrum with a new anthem celebrating diversity by Mike Taylor

Today we premiere the video clip for [Mike Taylor](https://iammiketaylor.com/)'s "Colours". The film, shot on the vibrant streets of Guanajuato Mexico, adds a visual poignancy to Taylor's celebratory anthem. Through music, "Colours" seeks to inject a shot of light and love into times that are oft noted for a gathering darkness cast by the shadows of power, fear, and inequality. Yet which are too often (and too conveniently) blamed on difference.
"Too often I feel that there is a lack of representation and misrepresentation of people of color in the mainstream." Taylor explains, "I think it’s very important to be able to see yourself reflected in the world you live in. So rather than be angry about it, I ended up writing a song celebrating “POC’s” \[people of color\] as well as diversity as a whole. What’s dope about using color (or colour) as a metaphor is that it doesn’t necessarily have to mean skin color, it can mean celebrating your vibrance."
The song follows in the wake of a rich tradition of pop anthems that question or bridge differences of race, religion, ethnicity, or social hierarchy. Songs like "[Why Can't We Be Friends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DmYLrxR0Y8)" by War, "[Imagine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVg2EJvvlF8)" by John Lennon, or "[Black Or White](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2AitTPI5U0)" by Michael Jackson.
Watch "Colours" by Mike Taylor for [Rostrum Records](http://www.rostrumrecords.com/):
Video Direction: [Columbia Tatone](http://www.columbiatatone.com)
Video Production: [Jamee Ranta](https://www.jameeranta.com/)
Cinematography: [Douglas E. Porter](http://www.douglaseporter.com/)
Colours available via [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/album/28Lg3aeQr2ow2RS2pSSnZN), [iTunes](https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/colours-single/id1245349243?ls=1&app=itunes), & [Apple Music](https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/colours-single/id1245349243?ls=1).
Written by: Brianna Di Monda