Iconic Supermodel Grace Jones Releases a First Look Into Her Documentary

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The iconic Jamaican super model and singer, Grace Jones, is the subject of a new biopic, _Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami_. The documentary is set to release at the Toronto Film Festival this September. “You have to be a high flying bitch sometimes!” Grace exclaims in the newly released trailer. The trailer doesn’t spoil the plot of the film, but rather emphasizes the beauty of Grace and her razor sharp cheekbones. The 97-second trailer depicts Jones applying makeup in the back of a stretch limousine and in the mirror of a dressing room. The highly anticipated documentary was filmed over the course of a decade in collaboration with director Sophie Fiennes, as an attempt to unmask Jones’ pristine public image. The documentary will narrate her life and work with some of her closest friends in the art, fashion, and music world. For information on the film and the Toronto Film Festival release click [here](https://www.tiff.net/tiff/film.html?v=grace-jones-bloodlight-and-bami). * * * Written by: Morgan Vickery