Flaunt Premiere | Kate Clover "Channel Zero"

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Considered a staple in the LA rock scene, Kate Clover has just released her very first project under her name. Her debut single, “Channel Zero” conveys the traditional punk sound and exudes her powerful vocals with a heavy guitar sound. As well, the song is a “defiant rallying cry against mindless media and political puppets” Photographed by Georgia Mitropoulos. ![Photographed by Georgia Mitropoulos.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bab8c6de9426520661ae_DSCF5639.jpeg) Photographed by Georgia Mitropoulos. Taking her art to Mexico City, Kate explains why she chose Mexico’s capital. “I needed a new headspace creatively, and Mexico City felt like maybe how Berlin felt in the late 70’s... Expatriates working on their art and collaborating with each other.” After sending her demos to Brandon Welchez from Crocodiles, she said, “I wound up staying for two months and made my album.” The new environment and partnerships allowed her to start a new chapter of her career with a clear headspace and fresh start.  Photographed by Georgia Mitropoulos. ![Photographed by Georgia Mitropoulos.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bab8c6de9426520661b2_DSCF5757.jpeg) Photographed by Georgia Mitropoulos. The music video for “Channel Zero” took inspiration from 1960s PSAs and French New Wave and gave recognition to Project MKUltra. Director Ryan Rosewall explains, “The imagery and sound of the track quite simply transport you back in time, so Kate and I discussed wanting to stay true to a hyper-minimalistic approach that felt like stills of a French New Wave film.” Photographed by Georgia Mitropoulos. ![Photographed by Georgia Mitropoulos.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bab8c6de9426520661aa_DSCF5999.jpeg) Photographed by Georgia Mitropoulos. Clover is heading out on the road with back to back North American tours, supporting Tiger Army and Sadgirl September-October, before spending November with Death Valley Girls and Crocodiles.  Check out the playlist she made for us, along with her latest video, "‘Channel Zero’ below. Channel Zero is out now on Rebel Union Recordings. Get tickets here for her upcoming November shows: [https://tourlink.to/kateclovertou](https://tourlink.to/kateclovertour) * * * Photographed by Georgia Mitropoulos Styled by Society of Vintage