Harley West | Social Media has changed the online modeling industry for the better

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IMG\_0978.jpg ![IMG_0978.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1623957990004-A95THKKRYXB620053YLO/IMG_0978.jpg) Social media has become a prosperous landscape for billions of individuals, with modeling being one industry that transformed as a result of it. According to Hootsuite reporting, social media platforms gained 490 million users in 2021. With those numbers, it’s easy to assume every individual must have some sort of online presence. Instagram, in particular, has been a favorable place for influencers to promote their exclusive websites through their profile—the most popular today being OnlyFans, an up-and-coming platform that is gaining millions of new users daily. On this highly creative platform, model and creator [Harley West](https://www.instagram.com/harleyxwest/) has gained quite the following over the past year, leading her to find success. The online model dedicates her page to post stunning bikini pictures in her sunshine state of California.  West is a prime illustration of how social media has positively impacted the online modeling industry. Since starting in April of 2020, West has grown 20 times the number of followers, with an astounding 200,000 followers to date. She shares that her secret to success is consistency and authenticity, saying she loves being artistic and breaking the pattern of strict modeling norms in society. “People want to see you having fun and being yourself. No photoshop, a million lights, and staged backgrounds,” she says.  Harley West has worked with several photographers in the past, but says she has struggled to find one to meet her expectations. She believes social media had changed the modeling industry, saying “Before you had to work in a studio with professional lighting and people you didn’t know you could trust. Now you can get a ring light and use your phone to express yourself.” The model has spent the past year learning all the details that go into creating and posting professional-looking photographs.  Whether you are simply a user or a creator yourself, social media has created a space for entertainment and education. West says she’s gained exceptional knowledge through her work and has learned so much from social media. Fortunately, Harley West jumped on the opportunity during the COVID-19 pandemic and plans for continuous growth in multiple directions. These ever-growing social media platforms are changing the lives of individuals daily.