Taylor Castro | New Song “Jade”

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![](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1b4c6479-c0a2-4975-8109-601a61bdafef/Taylor_Park-13.jpg) Music that’s bittersweet has an unfair emotional advantage over most other songs, simply because they play on many feelings and levels to different listeners, tending to connect with multiple personal aspects in a very complex bundle of emotions and memories. For singer-songwriter and actress [Taylor Castro](https://www.instagram.com/taylordaniellecastro/), the bittersweetness of reminiscence can be a powerful muse to fuel the very genuine and deeply moving music she's known for. The literature fan is fond of stitching scenes all up in your head with careful wordplay, and as she narrates her personal coming-of-age story told through the growth and eventual dissolution of a friendship, you can't help but have these "characters" endearing themselves to you. Maybe even think back on all the friendships that time, age, distance or petty squabbles slowly eroded and broke.  Like the Chinese Proverb quoted in the title, in spite of the fact that sad memories and realizations may stain the story of Castro's "Jade,” she makes it extremely apparent the fact that she's thankful for the friendship and all the good times. Likewise, we too should remember to feel fortunate that we've had meaningful connections to other people regardless of how things stand today. For Taylor, the song doesn't just signify a point of reflection and closure of a stage in her life, but the literal beginning of a new era in her sound. Not only does it sound very different — driving powerful roots into the deep wells of Americana and Rock — but also feels much more accomplished and rich than some of her previous releases.  "After 7 years of trying different sounds, I finally feel like I’ve found mine," she confides. "It’s then only fitting that the story the lyrics tell would be the most personal and genuine I’ve ever released too."
![](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1b4c6479-c0a2-4975-8109-601a61bdafef/Taylor_Park-13.jpg) Music that’s bittersweet has an unfair emotional advantage over most other songs, simply because they play on many feelings and levels to different listeners, tending to connect with multiple personal aspects in a very complex bundle of emotions and memories. For singer-songwriter and actress [Taylor Castro](https://www.instagram.com/taylordaniellecastro/), the bittersweetness of reminiscence can be a powerful muse to fuel the very genuine and deeply moving music she's known for. The literature fan is fond of stitching scenes all up in your head with careful wordplay, and as she narrates her personal coming-of-age story told through the growth and eventual dissolution of a friendship, you can't help but have these "characters" endearing themselves to you. Maybe even think back on all the friendships that time, age, distance or petty squabbles slowly eroded and broke.  Like the Chinese Proverb quoted in the title, in spite of the fact that sad memories and realizations may stain the story of Castro's "Jade,” she makes it extremely apparent the fact that she's thankful for the friendship and all the good times. Likewise, we too should remember to feel fortunate that we've had meaningful connections to other people regardless of how things stand today. For Taylor, the song doesn't just signify a point of reflection and closure of a stage in her life, but the literal beginning of a new era in her sound. Not only does it sound very different — driving powerful roots into the deep wells of Americana and Rock — but also feels much more accomplished and rich than some of her previous releases.  "After 7 years of trying different sounds, I finally feel like I’ve found mine," she confides. "It’s then only fitting that the story the lyrics tell would be the most personal and genuine I’ve ever released too."