Photo Credit: Storm Santos
[Jillian Shea Spaeder](https://www.instagram.com/jilliansheaspaeder/?hl=en) is only 18 years old and already living out her dreams on the daily. Hailing from Philadelphia, the actress and recording artist is best known for her lead role in the Disney+ original film _Godmothered_, with two cover songs featured in the film’s soundtrack: “[Rise Up (Joy to the World)](https://disneymusic.co/Godmothered)” and “[Hero](https://disneymusic.co/Godmothered).” Beyond that, you can find her playing Bailey on the Disney XD series _Walk the Prank_, along with guest appearances on Netflix’s _No Good Nick_, Disney’s _Just Roll with It_, and the movie _To the Beat!: Back 2 School._
Beyond her work endeavors, Jillian is your average teenager who loves to craft and puppies. From playing the piano at 5 years old to discovering the guitar and ukulele at 12, the rising star gives hope to the masses that they too can excel in more areas than one—inspiring the youth to work hard, stay passionate, and always keep smiling. Boasting 584K followers on Instagram alone, Jillian hopes to utilize her voice for change in the world, even dedicating her time to both the [National Multiple Sclerosis Society](https://www.nationalmssociety.org/) and [Children International](https://www.children.org/sponsor-a-child?rs_id=450&utm_campaign=rkd_fy21&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&attr=rkd_search_google&gclid=CjwKCAiAyc2BBhAaEiwA44-wW5ayvbDpz13FMuZuphyfXSnQIzXHMOlHe9DXgVElXiUwEThJtknb6hoC014QAvD_BwE) through which her family sponsors kids in need.
Most recently, Jillian unleashed her newest single titled “[you & me](https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/jillianshea/you--me),” a romantic pop ballad that can be found on her forthcoming album. _Flaunt_ caught up with Jillian via Zoom, who was posted in the cold in Philly. Read below as we discuss her upbringing in Philly, biggest influences, music being her first love, acting on _Godmothered_, inspo behind her single “[2021](https://open.spotify.com/album/0E0NBe96Ubg9d97yJO8OeO?highlight=spotify:track:3aSAVYSn639bsqWDsDZvM6),” studio essentials, her new single “you & me,” her fashion sense, and more!

Photo Credit: Storm Santos
**How was it growing up in Philly?**
Super musical! My parents were in a band when I was growing up, so it was very musical. There was always somebody playing piano, it was wonderful. I loved growing up in a small town, then moving to a city later. It was nice getting to run around in the grass before I’d spend the rest of my life in Los Angeles with no grass or trees.
**Biggest influences?**
Ooh… I love the Beatles. I’ve always loved the Beatles, they’re obviously awesome. I love Queen. I like a lot of older musicians, but also new ones like Ed Sheeran and Julia Michaels. I really love lots of people, everyone who writes their own music really.
**Did acting or music come first?**
Music. I have been singing and playing piano and instruments my entire life, whereas acting I started when I was 11. Music definitely came first.
**When did you realize you could do this for a living?**
When I did my first show, it was called _Walk the Prank_ on Disney XD. That’s when I said “okay, I want to do this for the rest of my life,” because it was such a blast. I love knowing I can “go to work,” but not feel like I’m at work and not be miserable. I love that and want to do that forever.
**How does it feel to play the lead role alongside Jillian Bell and Isla Fisher in Disney+’s** [**_Godmothered_**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYWzEqX-J-4)**?**
It was so much fun! We filmed in Boston in January and February, so it was very cold. It was great, I loved doing it. I had a very different experience than I’ve ever had before, because I wasn’t working with many kids. It was fun, I loved it. I loved every second of it.
**What’s been the highlight shooting?**
At the end of _Godmothered_, there’s a concert scene that was a blast to film. That’s spoiling, I’ll say that. Definitely my favorite part of filming.
**You have two songs in the movie’s soundtrack, what does it mean to be able to blend both talents?**
I loved it! My favorite part about being in _Godmothered_ was that I got to sing as well. Getting to do both at the same time is something you don’t get to do very often, I loved every second of it. I had a wonderful time because I wasn’t only on set, but in the studio recording songs. It was so much fun.
**What were you going through recording “2021”?**
Oh my gosh, I was bored. Bored out of my mind. I’ve been so bored for a couple of weeks. I finished up school forever ago, so now I’m sitting around being bored. I’m trying to come up with stuff to do, and that’s been writing music and doing some short films \[such as “[It Counts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGJGnXkWJ20)”\]. Bored and wanted to do something with my life. \[laughs\]
**What do you hope for in the new year?**
I hope we can go back to normal because I’d love to start working again. I’m sure everyone would love to start working again. Selfishly I want to work and do stuff, but not selfishly I really hope that everything gets better and it’s safe again.
**How has COVID affected your artistry?**
Acting-wise, it completely did for a while, because they weren’t filming anything. They’re starting to film stuff again, so hopefully things are picking back up. They were running out of content, they have to start back up again. \[laughs\] Hopefully, I can film something this year and do something fun.
**3 things you need in the studio?**
Water, I love water. I don’t drink enough water, but I like it. A phone charger, you always need a phone charger. And a guitar.
**What do you feel when you play the guitar?**
I love playing guitar! I’ve been playing since I was 12, I love it. I have one that I put a bunch of stickers all over, that’s my favorite right now. I love guitar, it’s so wonderful. Such a pretty instrument.
**Talk about your cover of “Hate Me” by Miley Cyrus.**
I was bored again. A lot of the things I post on Instagram spawn from me being bored this year. Everyone’s bored. My sister wanted me to cover that song really badly, so I learned it for her.
**What’s your favorite song you’ve covered?**
I’m learning “American Girl” by Tom Petty right now. I love that song. Anything by the Beatles really.
**What’s your favorite Beatles song?**
“Golden Slumbers,” I love that song. It’s very short but it’s so beautiful. It’s so good. Everything about it is wonderful.
**What do you want fans to get from your new single, “you & me”?**
I hope everyone likes it, it’s different then any of my music that’s out right now. I wrote it very acoustic on my guitar. I was excited because the guitar parts in the song are actually me playing. I’ve done that a couple times. Normally I have producers play it, but I played it this time so that was cool.
**Being only 18, what do you like to do for fun?**
My job is my ‘fun.’ I love being on set, filming, and singing. When I’m not doing work, I like hanging out with my friends normally and crafting. I love going to Michael’s and getting crafts. I just love arts and crafts.
**How important is social media for your career?**
It’s becoming more important lately for actors to be on social media, but it also doesn’t affect people negatively when they’re not. I enjoy it so I use it because it’s fun. It’s definitely a little bit important.
**Favorite person to follow on Instagram?**
There’s an account titled [@agoldennamedkevin](https://www.instagram.com/agoldennamedkevin/). It’s a puppy I’m friends with. He’s so cute and so fluffy. He has the sweetest owner who I talk to sometimes. He’s the cutest puppy ever, I recommend you follow.
**What’s your love for fashion?**
My love for fashion is sweatpants and sweatshirts. My style changes drastically between when I’m in LA and Philly. When I’m in Philly, I’m wearing sweaters and jeans. I go to LA and I’m in bike shorts and tank tops. I’m all over the place depending on the temperature, but sweatpants are my go-to.
**One thing fans may not know about you?**
I had a pet hedgehog when I was younger, it was so much fun. She was so cute. My sister and I had her, she was adorable.
**What happened?**
She got a tumor. It was sad, but she was so cute. Hedgehogs are the best pets. They’re the best.
**Goals yourself as an artist at this point of your career?**
I want to do whatever makes me happy. Everybody’s asking “what do you want to do in 2021? 2020 was so lame.” I want to do whatever makes me happy and have a fun year. That should be everyone’s goal honestly, being happy and focusing on positivity because it’s been so negative the last year.