K. Shiday | From Army Boots to the Music Booth

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![](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1627329495713-J5BVGQKABICFLIWG104C/IMG_2983.jpeg) [K. Shiday](https://www.instagram.com/kshiday/?hl=en) is here to take over the rap game, putting on for all the aspiring female artists in the world. You may recognize her from her days mobbing with Gucci Mane as the first lady of The New 1017 group, but the San Antonio, Texas native is so much more than what meets the eye. At the young age of 6, K was already singing and playing piano, and in high school, people were even hitting her to do custom voicemails for them. Whether it’s in the music industry or beyond, K hopes to be a representation for all the middle-aged women in the game. She states, “K. Shiday loves herself. K. Shiday loves her craft. K. Shiday wants to showcase her gifts to the rest of the world. K.Shiday’s a role model. That’s really me, that's what I want people to know.” K’s story is unique and far from average, formerly an 8-year vet in the military and even a mother to her 6-year-old. Following her momentum from her all-star collaboration with Gucci Mane, Key Glock, and Enchanting on “No Luv,” the rising star is here to rebrand herself and welcome a new chapter in her life and artistry.  Flaunt caught up with K. Shiday at a beautiful mansion in Los Angeles, discussing her roots in San Antonio, how she got into music, signing to Gucci Mane, how “No Love” came to be, upcoming singles, motherhood, and more! ![](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1627329522582-JL89VX9N4HPFKEY94WL9/IMG_2609.jpeg) **You say you represent middle-aged women, what does that mean?** People that come in the game a little later than most. A lot of the new artists are a lot younger starting at 16, 17, 18, 19. I’m a 90’s baby. I got the head start, but I came into the game a lot later. **How long were you in the military?** 7.5 years. It was exciting, but it was really to get away from home. It turned out to be a career. **What was a young K.Shiday like growing up in San Antonio?** A young K.Shiday did all the talent shows. Boys and Girls Club, youth centers. I didn’t play sports, but I did step team, dance, choreographer, things like that. In my city, I’m known for being the one that’s always doing music, always performing, and being an entertainer. **What was the turning point where you knew you wanted to do music?** On a serious note, definitely my last few years of high school. Shit was dope. I used to have people call me like, “Hey, can you make a voicemail for me?” When they didn’t answer their phone, it’d be me on the piano singing or rapping. I’d have custom voicemails for people in high school, it was super dope. I thought “Yo, people love me and my music.” When I graduated high school, I started shows, car shows, performing at clubs, etc. I really do love this shit. I thought it was just a gift at first, but now I realize I’m truly talented. Not only is it a dream, I can really do this shit. ![](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1627329562532-ECMIL9C2AGYDXDXYGGUC/IMG_2607.jpeg) **How did the Guwop situation happen?** I moved to Atlanta. I got accepted at the Institute of Music and Media in Atlanta. After that, I did a song with this football player, Jihad Ward. He plays for the Ravens. He said, “Hey I see you rap, I want to do a song with you.” I flew to Dallas and did a song with him. I recorded a snippet of the verse on Instagram.  This time last year, Gucci was looking for a new artist to sign. It was after I posted that they reached out. Some people even tagged me. I went on there and thought “Man, they’ll never see my shit. They’ll never sign me.” A few hours later, they said “Gucci wants to sign you.” No way, you guys are lying. \[laughs\] It was really exciting because I thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime chance. **What ended up happening?** I signed, of course, that was cool. We got to do a song with Glock, a few songs with Gucci. Hell, I even did a song that Megan \[The Stallion\] also cut a verse on. It didn’t get cleared later on, but not many can say they secretly have a song with, Megan, and Gucci on it. That shit’s fire as hell. **How long ago was that?** This time last year. It was amazing. I saw Megan when she first started going up at SXSW. When Lil Baby started performing, I saw some of his first performances at SXSW in Austin with MyMixtapez. I saw Megan there and I always expressed it: “I can't wait to finally one day meet Megan.” Because I was there during that time, they didn’t show as much love and support to her. To see her now: they're begging her to be on the stage. Begging her to come near, begging her to perform. Really paying her and supporting her, it's so awesome to see. It gives me more hope. It challenges my dreams. It challenges my inspiration when it comes to music and my passion. **Where are you with your music career?** I’m branching off independently right now. I have a team right now. I’ve been working with [Priority Beats.](https://flaunt.com/content/priority-beats) Really building a solid family. I learned some lessons. I had some hard times, I had some good times. I made mistakes. It's all about learning from them, growing, and giving it all you got. What do I really have to lose? I’m excited. **Can you touch on the moment you had with Gucci and Key Glock in the “No Love” video?** Oh yes, the “No Love” video. We were in the studio. At first, we didn’t know we were all going to be on it. Originally, we thought it was just Gucci and Scarr. The next day Gucci said “You and Enchanting, y’all hop on this.” So me and Enchanting hopped on it. We’re not expecting to shoot a video, in comes Glock. Glock cuts a verse in the next room. He comes over, we all listen to it. Glock has his team there, we all said “Oh yeah, this shit’s hard as hell!” They bring in Spencer, and Spencer shoots the video. Whoa, didn’t expect that! \[laughs\] I’ve always wanted to work with Glock. I used to tell my cousin in the kitchen, “One day, I’ma have a song with Glock. One day, I’ma have a song with Drake. One day, I’ma have a song with Megan, Cardi, Mulatto, all of them.” I really want to work with them. It was a shock, I’m still shocked. Oh damn, people really be looking at me? The girl with the pink hair. I’m lost for words really. What can you really say? It's a dream come true. ![](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d693e793aeb33b26afe9_unnamed.jpeg) **Any upcoming projects or singles?** Upcoming singles for sure. We have so many to choose from. We're shooting videos to a bunch of them, and we're going to roll them out like that. I’m so damn excited. In my head, they really don't know who K.Shiday is. They really haven't seen my full potential, I still don't know my full potential. But my starting point is right now, I'm looking at myself like this is me in the beginning. Imagine how I'm gonna be later on in life. It’s very inspirational. Females are dominating the industry right now. Even though they don't want to give all the females credit, each is female doing something. It takes a lot for a female artist to get out there and put music out. It takes a lot. Mentally, every time a female puts out a record, she's scared as hell to see what people are gonna say, how people are gonna react. I commend all these females, all the women in the industry that’s putting out music. Every last one of them, because it takes a lot to even build yourself up to write a record as a female. **You say this is a rebrand, a new chapter. What sparked this?** Digging down to see who I am really as an artist. I didn't really have a brand when I first signed with 1017. Okay I want to do this, but I want to do this style. Bringing it all together like who really is K.Shiday? When people listen to this song, are they going to know it's you? Or how can you take the fact that you sing and you rap, and you want to be able to get your audience to love both sides of you musically?  People may think a lot of these new artists have it together, branding-wise they know who they are, when forreal they really don't know who the hell they are. It's the fans, the media, they help you realize basically who you are as a person. That comes with years of growth as a musician and artist. ![](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d693e793aeb33b26afdd_unnamedj.jpeg) **How's balancing motherhood with all that you do?** Oh, motherhood. \[laughs\] I have my days. I know I can't be there every day with my son right now. I’m here, I'm there, I'm in the studio. I'm trying to get this figured out. My son loves my music. I don't prefer him to really listen to it because it's not really appropriate for his age group. He’ll call me like, “Mommy, I saw your new video! You look pretty. I really love it, I know the words.” It's really exciting. If my son’s cheering me on, if my son loves it, because kids won't lie. They’ll be like “uhh, this doesn’t sound good.” My son loves my music. My son understands, he's just passionate as I am with school and things like that. **What’re you most excited for next?** I’m excited for people to really hear K.Shiday. Whether it's bars or... I really want them to hear me. Give me my fucking credit. Nah seriously! Give me my credit, because it’s a lot of people that couldn't do or go through things that I went through. Though it may not be as much to bigger people in the industry, to the smaller people it matters because they're trying to get there. They wish they had that chance. I want to be a role model for other women and give credit where it's due, whether it's me or anybody else. Every woman in the industry deserves their damn stripes.
![](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1627329495713-J5BVGQKABICFLIWG104C/IMG_2983.jpeg) [K. Shiday](https://www.instagram.com/kshiday/?hl=en) is here to take over the rap game, putting on for all the aspiring female artists in the world. You may recognize her from her days mobbing with Gucci Mane as the first lady of The New 1017 group, but the San Antonio, Texas native is so much more than what meets the eye. At the young age of 6, K was already singing and playing piano, and in high school, people were even hitting her to do custom voicemails for them. Whether it’s in the music industry or beyond, K hopes to be a representation for all the middle-aged women in the game. She states, “K. Shiday loves herself. K. Shiday loves her craft. K. Shiday wants to showcase her gifts to the rest of the world. K.Shiday’s a role model. That’s really me, that's what I want people to know.” K’s story is unique and far from average, formerly an 8-year vet in the military and even a mother to her 6-year-old. Following her momentum from her all-star collaboration with Gucci Mane, Key Glock, and Enchanting on “No Luv,” the rising star is here to rebrand herself and welcome a new chapter in her life and artistry.  Flaunt caught up with K. Shiday at a beautiful mansion in Los Angeles, discussing her roots in San Antonio, how she got into music, signing to Gucci Mane, how “No Love” came to be, upcoming singles, motherhood, and more! ![](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1627329522582-JL89VX9N4HPFKEY94WL9/IMG_2609.jpeg) **You say you represent middle-aged women, what does that mean?** People that come in the game a little later than most. A lot of the new artists are a lot younger starting at 16, 17, 18, 19. I’m a 90’s baby. I got the head start, but I came into the game a lot later. **How long were you in the military?** 7.5 years. It was exciting, but it was really to get away from home. It turned out to be a career. **What was a young K.Shiday like growing up in San Antonio?** A young K.Shiday did all the talent shows. Boys and Girls Club, youth centers. I didn’t play sports, but I did step team, dance, choreographer, things like that. In my city, I’m known for being the one that’s always doing music, always performing, and being an entertainer. **What was the turning point where you knew you wanted to do music?** On a serious note, definitely my last few years of high school. Shit was dope. I used to have people call me like, “Hey, can you make a voicemail for me?” When they didn’t answer their phone, it’d be me on the piano singing or rapping. I’d have custom voicemails for people in high school, it was super dope. I thought “Yo, people love me and my music.” When I graduated high school, I started shows, car shows, performing at clubs, etc. I really do love this shit. I thought it was just a gift at first, but now I realize I’m truly talented. Not only is it a dream, I can really do this shit. ![](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1627329562532-ECMIL9C2AGYDXDXYGGUC/IMG_2607.jpeg) **How did the Guwop situation happen?** I moved to Atlanta. I got accepted at the Institute of Music and Media in Atlanta. After that, I did a song with this football player, Jihad Ward. He plays for the Ravens. He said, “Hey I see you rap, I want to do a song with you.” I flew to Dallas and did a song with him. I recorded a snippet of the verse on Instagram.  This time last year, Gucci was looking for a new artist to sign. It was after I posted that they reached out. Some people even tagged me. I went on there and thought “Man, they’ll never see my shit. They’ll never sign me.” A few hours later, they said “Gucci wants to sign you.” No way, you guys are lying. \[laughs\] It was really exciting because I thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime chance. **What ended up happening?** I signed, of course, that was cool. We got to do a song with Glock, a few songs with Gucci. Hell, I even did a song that Megan \[The Stallion\] also cut a verse on. It didn’t get cleared later on, but not many can say they secretly have a song with, Megan, and Gucci on it. That shit’s fire as hell. **How long ago was that?** This time last year. It was amazing. I saw Megan when she first started going up at SXSW. When Lil Baby started performing, I saw some of his first performances at SXSW in Austin with MyMixtapez. I saw Megan there and I always expressed it: “I can't wait to finally one day meet Megan.” Because I was there during that time, they didn’t show as much love and support to her. To see her now: they're begging her to be on the stage. Begging her to come near, begging her to perform. Really paying her and supporting her, it's so awesome to see. It gives me more hope. It challenges my dreams. It challenges my inspiration when it comes to music and my passion. **Where are you with your music career?** I’m branching off independently right now. I have a team right now. I’ve been working with [Priority Beats.](https://flaunt.com/content/priority-beats) Really building a solid family. I learned some lessons. I had some hard times, I had some good times. I made mistakes. It's all about learning from them, growing, and giving it all you got. What do I really have to lose? I’m excited. **Can you touch on the moment you had with Gucci and Key Glock in the “No Love” video?** Oh yes, the “No Love” video. We were in the studio. At first, we didn’t know we were all going to be on it. Originally, we thought it was just Gucci and Scarr. The next day Gucci said “You and Enchanting, y’all hop on this.” So me and Enchanting hopped on it. We’re not expecting to shoot a video, in comes Glock. Glock cuts a verse in the next room. He comes over, we all listen to it. Glock has his team there, we all said “Oh yeah, this shit’s hard as hell!” They bring in Spencer, and Spencer shoots the video. Whoa, didn’t expect that! \[laughs\] I’ve always wanted to work with Glock. I used to tell my cousin in the kitchen, “One day, I’ma have a song with Glock. One day, I’ma have a song with Drake. One day, I’ma have a song with Megan, Cardi, Mulatto, all of them.” I really want to work with them. It was a shock, I’m still shocked. Oh damn, people really be looking at me? The girl with the pink hair. I’m lost for words really. What can you really say? It's a dream come true. ![](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d693e793aeb33b26afe9_unnamed.jpeg) **Any upcoming projects or singles?** Upcoming singles for sure. We have so many to choose from. We're shooting videos to a bunch of them, and we're going to roll them out like that. I’m so damn excited. In my head, they really don't know who K.Shiday is. They really haven't seen my full potential, I still don't know my full potential. But my starting point is right now, I'm looking at myself like this is me in the beginning. Imagine how I'm gonna be later on in life. It’s very inspirational. Females are dominating the industry right now. Even though they don't want to give all the females credit, each is female doing something. It takes a lot for a female artist to get out there and put music out. It takes a lot. Mentally, every time a female puts out a record, she's scared as hell to see what people are gonna say, how people are gonna react. I commend all these females, all the women in the industry that’s putting out music. Every last one of them, because it takes a lot to even build yourself up to write a record as a female. **You say this is a rebrand, a new chapter. What sparked this?** Digging down to see who I am really as an artist. I didn't really have a brand when I first signed with 1017. Okay I want to do this, but I want to do this style. Bringing it all together like who really is K.Shiday? When people listen to this song, are they going to know it's you? Or how can you take the fact that you sing and you rap, and you want to be able to get your audience to love both sides of you musically?  People may think a lot of these new artists have it together, branding-wise they know who they are, when forreal they really don't know who the hell they are. It's the fans, the media, they help you realize basically who you are as a person. That comes with years of growth as a musician and artist. ![](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d693e793aeb33b26afdd_unnamedj.jpeg) **How's balancing motherhood with all that you do?** Oh, motherhood. \[laughs\] I have my days. I know I can't be there every day with my son right now. I’m here, I'm there, I'm in the studio. I'm trying to get this figured out. My son loves my music. I don't prefer him to really listen to it because it's not really appropriate for his age group. He’ll call me like, “Mommy, I saw your new video! You look pretty. I really love it, I know the words.” It's really exciting. If my son’s cheering me on, if my son loves it, because kids won't lie. They’ll be like “uhh, this doesn’t sound good.” My son loves my music. My son understands, he's just passionate as I am with school and things like that. **What’re you most excited for next?** I’m excited for people to really hear K.Shiday. Whether it's bars or... I really want them to hear me. Give me my fucking credit. Nah seriously! Give me my credit, because it’s a lot of people that couldn't do or go through things that I went through. Though it may not be as much to bigger people in the industry, to the smaller people it matters because they're trying to get there. They wish they had that chance. I want to be a role model for other women and give credit where it's due, whether it's me or anybody else. Every woman in the industry deserves their damn stripes.