Kìzis has created another emotionally fueled album. Turn, a four hour undertaking, delves into what is like to be an indigenous, trans woman. It ventures through the good, the difficult, everything in between that has lead to her personal growth. The album champions Kìzis’ sense of community, touching on experiences with her fellow trans sisters.
Turn explodes with different genres, going as far as to include poetry and Algonquin dance music. As an Algonquin person, she was raised in this culture that can be found in, what is now known as, Eastern Canada. However, the album was created across the globe, from Montreal all the way to Berlin.
50+ artist are featured on Turn, including Beverly Glenn Copeland, Owen Pallet, and Mabe Fratti. It is humorous, afflictive, and intimate, speaking to almost everyone and their experiences.
The new album is available on Bandcamp today!