Rendering courtesy of WEISS/MANFREDI
Since it opened for research in 1913, the La Brea Tar Pits have long been the only site of its kind; not many cities have a family of Mammoth’s drowning in a pool of tar at its core. From Saber Toothed Cats to Mastodon skeletons, findings from these pits have informed paleontologist’s with over 50,000 years of earth’s history, helping them better understand the environmental changes that have shaped its surroundings over time.
In an attempt to continue sharing this research with the public, and after months of reviewing proposals from some of the world’s top architects, engineers, and scientists alike, the Natural History Museums of Los Angeles County has enlisted architecture firm WEISS/MANFREDI (New York) to aid in reimagining the site. A word from WEISS/MANFREDI founders Marion Weiss and Michael Manfredi describe their vision as
“…intertwining loops link all the existing site components, enhancing spaces for community and scientific research. The lenses, as framed views throughout the park and museum, reveal the La Brea collection to visitors, bringing the museum to the park, and the park into the public imagination. We are excited to reimagine La Brea and are committed to amplifying this enduring Los Angeles landmark to serve a vibrant community.”