The dreamy pastel-colored music video for "Eyes Closed" depicts a yard sale of memories and sentiments in the middle of a loose summer day. This release is the debut single representing Green's upcoming EP titled _Take Care_, simultaneously acting as a presentation card for those of us new [Max Green](https://mailtrack.io/trace/link/4d0b9cceb8a6f1dfd8b6deedf671266d72e1bb10?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fmax_gr33n%2F&userId=2632024&signature=b150190a18d5db34)'s laidback but deceptively potent sound.
With "Eyes Closed," Max explores the realities of a collapsed relationship, dealing with the hurt caused by a lack of integrity and effort to fortify the bonds. Max doesn't just wallow in the misery though, and in his own words: "...here's almost a sense of satire to the tone, like get over yourself. Everyone deals with heartbreak at some point, that's all a part of growing and getting to know yourself."
There's a sense of growth and a cheerfully sardonic disposition in his vocals, sweetening the otherwise sour lyrics and resonating quite well with the comforting nature of the video. Green's indie synth-pop outer crust encases a smooth contemporary R&B interior, or at least it seems that way when one pays close attention to his vocals, which are either largely influenced by or come off as organically similar to modern examples of the genre, painting an interesting proposition in terms of range and approach, with the song acting as a teaser or appetizer for what his sound can be.
As an opening statement, "Eyes Closed" works extremely well for the Echo Park-based singer-songwriter, highlighting his strengths with his refined vocals as well as his picturesque lyrics. Overall, "Eyes Closed" isn't a blind leap of faith, but a well-structured single outing that shows quite a bit of promise. It manages to impress with a lingering effect by dodging the genre police with its unusual and playful sound.