Photo Credit: Silken Weinburg
Mike Sabath is a certified hitmaker, working with all the elites in the industry. Having produced and written for the likes of Lizzo, Meghan Trainor, Chris Brown, Bea Miller, Jonas Brothers, Usher… the New York native proves the sky’s the limit when it comes to following your dreams.
From writing his first song in 4th grade to being accepted into Harvard (but choosing music instead) to migrating to Los Angeles, Mike is a role model for all aspiring artists to put in the work and let life take its course. Beyond his talents as a musician, he describes himself as “a human seeking happiness and inspiration for myself and for others.”
Now, he steps out from behind-the-scenes and unleashes his debut solo single titled “Good Energy,” which speaks volumes to our current times. In a world plagued with negativity and hate, especially with the downhill ride 2020 has seen, Mike created this record to uplift others and remind them to live in the moment and keep your head up at all times.
Flaunt caught up with Mike via Zoom to discuss his upbringing on the East Coast, working with Selena Gomez and Miguel, the creation of “Good Energy,” and an unforgettable quote from Pharell.
Being from Katonah, New York, what was it like growing up?
Katonah is a super tiny town so everyone knows each other, which is awesome. It was extremely impactful for me. I was very fortunate, my friends were very close. We all made music together from a very young age, a big part of my growth as a musician. Being in each other’s basements playing instruments, making terrible covers, filming videos, doing whatever. We’d always be creative together. Once I started doing things in LA, they all came out here. We got to do a bunch of work together, continue to figure out the best ways to come up together. They’re very important to me because I trust and know them well, that’s hard to find. It was dope to be close to the city, it gave us perspective. If we didn’t leave Katonah, we’d have no perspective. Not much color going on there. Dope to be able to get out to LA and start a new life.
What’s your favorite part of LA?
I loved that it was hot all of the time. I loved it was sunny and there were studios everywhere. The food is my favorite too.
How did you get into producing? You’ve worked with some of the biggest artists.
The first serious song I made seriously was in fourth grade for my elementary school crush. We’re going away to different summer camps and I wanted to make her a song. I did that on my brother’s computer on Rock Band, found this guitar that I won at a raffle. That’s the first time I ever recorded anything, I always love it. I got a Mac mini for Hanukkah one time, played with Logic on there. I was addicted to It. My parents were extremely supportive, which was really awesome.
Who was the first big artist you got in with?
Selena Gomez. We’d literally go to studios, press the intercom and be like “hey we have a session here.” [laughs] They’d sometimes let us in. The first famous person I was in a room with was Wale, because we basically broke into the room. The Selena thing happened crazy full circle. CEO of Warner Records Aaron Bay-Schuck who signed me as an artist, heard my music 4 years ago. They asked if I’d be interested in getting in with her. In my basement in New York, I got that call. Originally I was really a songwriter, but her managers introduced me to her as a producer. That was a big growing phase for me to work on producing. Aaron said “are you going to do the artist thing?” That’s when he was back at Interscope with Selena, so crazy how that happened.
How’d you get in with Miguel?
That dude is so awesome, I've always loved Miguel. When I’m with him, I say I’m Miguel too because that’s my Spanish name. [laughs] We’re Miguel and Miguel when we work together. We met because of this amazing writer I got to meet in Spain randomly, Stacy Barthe. She’s the best. We bonded over finding a stray cat. Back in LA, we started hanging. She said “I’m going to be working with Miguel, you should totally come by.” We vibed and kept working.
What did you learn working with Miguel, him being so legendary?
He’s just a cool dude, really nice and talented. He’s passionate, in his vibe. As we worked more and talked, he taught me to keep your circle tight and look at who’s around you. Really important, that’s why I’m spending more time with family. I learned to enjoy It. He’s related with Usher, same camp. What Usher said was so important to me, I keep this in mind it helps me so much. He said “don’t take it too seriously, it gets too much and you forget how incredible you can be as musicians.” It’s really that simple.
How does it feel to be transitioning from producer into the spotlight as your own artist?
I’d be lying if i said I wasn’t nervous or scared. The first bit of it was “Good Energy.” I tried to not have any expectations. When it came out, it felt good that I was proud of this song and that the song represented good energy during a time we really need some. I’m excited, keeping it simple felt good. My friend Eddie Benjamin, I produced his whole project that’s coming. That’s my little brother, he’s really about to be out of here. He’s 18 so as an older brother, I try to help him when I can. He has a great perspective, he’s helped me in a lot of ways. Going through these things with people who have done it or are going through it, I’ve talked to Lizzo here and there and gotten advice. That’s really helpful. Keeping it simple is the best way to do it. I want to make great music, share it, be inspired and live my life.
What was your vibe in creating “Good Energy”? It’s so necessary for our current times.
I made it here [shows studio]. This is my house, it’s one box. It has what I need, I love it. I was feeling good that day, tapping into the mountains. I made the song here then added some good sauce. I was flying back home to New York spur of the moment, because I wanted to share it with my hometown friends. I posted on my Instagram Story that I wanted to share the music I was working on. I called a local bar in my tiny town that nobody’s ever been to, it’s called Jimmy’s. It's great, I love it. We all went, I set up the speakers. I thought I was cool in high school, but I definitely wasn’t. They made fun of everything I did because it was terrible. When I did this at Jimmy’s, a bunch of cool kids came and liked the whole thing. That was fun.
The night before, I was at home with my family and close friends. I set up the speakers in my family room and made edits to the song. My brother plays trombone so I had him play on the song. At one point, he goes “bada ba baaa!” I’m like “that’s it!” I had him layer it, boom. He has 2 amazing bulldogs, Bugzy and Blue. They’re my favorite. Bugzy can’t handle the trombone. While he’s playing, Bugzy starts barking on beat while it’s recording. We kept Bugzy’s energy, then we had Blue squeak her toy in the song. I wanted to put some real energy in there.
How’s it feel to make the FIFA 21 soundtrack?
That’s crazy. Warner Records said “yeah they’re interested in these 2 songs,” I’m like “what?!” So so awesome. I’m literally about to get that game and learn how to play FIFA. Really happy, really excited about that.
3 things you need in the studio?
Microphone SM7B, that’s my go-to. A Micro Mellotron, this thing is so sick. Good lighting.
What do you want fans to get from your music?
I got to work with Pharrell, one of my favorite times ever. He’d won Producer of the Year at the Grammys. Someone said to him “thank you for being such a light.” That’s such an important thing for me too, I got inspired by him. It was the most profound thing, he said “any light you see from me is simply a reflection of the light around you.” I love that because it’s so true. As a community of people together, you can create more energy and more light. It doesn’t come from an individual. I know I’m doing the artist thing, but I don’t want to make so much about me.
I want people to enjoy my music, if they want to. I love making music, hopefully it’ll inspire and encourage people to be themselves.