Actor Mike Sarcinelli cast alongside Emmy Nominee in New Commercial
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/edfbea1a-bd0d-46d6-b2af-68376757abd1/Mike+S+Flaunt.JPG) Mike Sarcinelli hits the ice with Navy Federal Credit Union during the 2022 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs and has his childhood to thank for the win. Mike has always been a fan of hockey. He grew up watching the sport on TV and even playing a bit himself. So, when he was approached to be in a commercial for Navy Federal Credit Union during the 2022 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, he jumped at the chance. The commercial features Sarcinelli as he approaches his goalie teammate played by Bret Green. While it's a brief commercial, Sarcinelli says that it was a fun experience and that he feels lucky to have been given the opportunity to be a part of it. The young actor grew up in Western New York playing Ice hockey for years on elite teams in both the USA and Canada, which he knows gave him the advantage in getting cast in the part. “Having a lifetime of playing hockey blend with my acting career was a rewarding moment for me. Skating around the rink, ripping bombs, I'll never forget it”, he stated about the experience. For those who are wondering, “ripping bombs” means taking a slapshot in hockey speak and that is exactly what Sarcinelli does. He blasts a slapshot right in the face of daytime emmy nominee, Bret Green. The commercial has been airing on ESPN, TNT and ABC over the past month and is sure to see more time come the 2023 NHL season. Keep an eye out for the actor as he continues making waves in his young career. Follow Mike Sarcinelli on Instagram & visit his website here
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/edfbea1a-bd0d-46d6-b2af-68376757abd1/Mike+S+Flaunt.JPG) Mike Sarcinelli hits the ice with Navy Federal Credit Union during the 2022 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs and has his childhood to thank for the win. Mike has always been a fan of hockey. He grew up watching the sport on TV and even playing a bit himself. So, when he was approached to be in a commercial for Navy Federal Credit Union during the 2022 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, he jumped at the chance. The commercial features Sarcinelli as he approaches his goalie teammate played by Bret Green. While it's a brief commercial, Sarcinelli says that it was a fun experience and that he feels lucky to have been given the opportunity to be a part of it. The young actor grew up in Western New York playing Ice hockey for years on elite teams in both the USA and Canada, which he knows gave him the advantage in getting cast in the part. “Having a lifetime of playing hockey blend with my acting career was a rewarding moment for me. Skating around the rink, ripping bombs, I'll never forget it”, he stated about the experience. For those who are wondering, “ripping bombs” means taking a slapshot in hockey speak and that is exactly what Sarcinelli does. He blasts a slapshot right in the face of daytime emmy nominee, Bret Green. The commercial has been airing on ESPN, TNT and ABC over the past month and is sure to see more time come the 2023 NHL season. Keep an eye out for the actor as he continues making waves in his young career. Follow Mike Sarcinelli on Instagram & visit his website here