Photo by [Dario Pigato](https://www.instagram.com/youngpigs/?hl=en)
Myss Keta is the club kid whose songs are the feel-good jams you didn’t know you needed in your life. The veiled, Italo Disco Queen released her third album _Paprika_ earlier this year and it features all the trademarks which has come to define her sound. Sporadic, disorienting samples? Check. Infectious, bass thumping beats which leaves your head nodding long after the track has ended? Yes, you will experience a strong desire to crank up those subwoofers as soon as the bass kicks in. Tongue-twisting, Italian lyrics spat out at an indecipherable pace? You won’t understand a word this rapper is saying unless, of course, you’re fluent with the Italian language.
The mystery behind Myss Keta continues to confound those who stumble upon the slew of trance-inspiring videos released under her moniker on YouTube. These videos, with the view count soaring into tens of thousands of watchers per clip, are bursting with both with style and energy, which pairs up with the music to a T. But a quick Google research on the Milan based enigmatic who ruled the Berghain dance floor back in November reveals almost nothing. Her face, name, and age remain ambiguous, an absolute perplexity considering today’s social network obsessed reality.
But there has been a trail of breadcrumbs left lying for the curious researcher. Here’s what we know about Myss Keta so far: she’s a “product” of Motel Forlanini, a collective of musicians, film directors, designers, and artists who aim at capturing the “Zeitgeist and the Peculiar of the surrounding environment.” Another fact: she released her first video “Milano Sushi & Coca” back in 2013, which featured her rapping about enticing subjects like Milan, sushi, and, you guessed it, coke. More facts: she wrote a book titled _Una Donna Che Conta,_ though an English translation doesn’t exist right now.
Flaunt spoke with Myss Keta in order to weave through the fog clouding her aura and find out more about her past, her present, and where she’s taking her music in the future.
**You're described as a product of the collective Motel Forlanini. How did you meet Motel Forlanini, what is it?**
The first time I met Motel Forlanini was in my dreams and then in the real world. It all started in a boiling and hallucinating hot summer evening in Milan where we met at an exhibition by Amanda Lear and we spent the rest of the night and life together from that day on. was that night that M¥SS KETA and “Milano Sushi E Coca” were born. Now Motel Forlanini is a collective of creative souls working together in all MK(M¥SS KETA) projects but first of all it's my family!
**Why do you choose to keep your identity a secret?**
It could sound like a paradox, but sometimes the more you hide your appearance the more you can express yourself. The mask is a way to be 100% myself, through the veil the real essence of MK comes out in all its forms.
**Given its history, for some, a veil can stand for oppression, but your music, along with the accompanying videos, portrays you as a carefree, independent individual. Is there a specific reason you chose a veil, instead of something like a mask, to hide your identity?**
I use different types of masks to hide my face, but my favorite remains the veil, it keeps a strong mystery on stage and it's also a controversial element nowadays. I believe that in making art or music you always are the portrayal of a historical moment and specific generation.
**Do you think there will be a time where you are comfortable with revealing your identity to the public?**
It's not relevant for me, who cares who's behind the veil, MK is the veil and that's it.

Photo by [Dario Pigato](https://www.instagram.com/youngpigs/?hl=en)
**It’s hard to think about your music without being reminded of the intense visuals which usually accompany your tracks on YouTube. What inspires the music videos you release for each of your songs?**
Each song evokes a certain feeling and precise image in the subconscious of Motel Forlanini. We then work together to improve every time and aim to the best result. our biggest inspiration could come from Fellini's film to Japanese anime, as Paprika by Satoshi Kon that was the main inspiration of our latest video and album.
**Back in November 2017, you sampled the song “Mi Gente,” by J Balvin and Beyonce for your track “Camalow,” and uploaded it onto YouTube by saying that Beyoncé was featured on the track. When Beyoncé finally shows up around the end of the track, she’s almost immediately interrupted by a voice recording of someone else’s voice. If given the choice, which artists or musicians would you like to collaborate with?**
Shout out to Sophie, Yves Tumor, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Raffaella Carrà, Fabri Fibra, Tiga, Asap Rocky, Tommy Cash, Marie Davidson, Charlotte Adigery: Send me a DM and I'm in!
**Drug references run rampant in your music. There are tracks like “Xananas,” “Milano Sushi & Coca” and, of course, your name, Myss Keta. What’s your relationship with mind-altering substances? And why do you think they are regularly used as themes throughout your music?**
Because sometimes they are good, even if sometimes they make you worse :)

Photo by [Dario Pigato](https://www.instagram.com/youngpigs/?hl=en)
**Fashion plays an integral part in your music, as well as your overall image. From the “Milano Sushi & Coca” video with the t-shirt with emblazoned with “Prada,” to the single “Burqa di Gucci,”. When did you become interested in fashion? How has it influenced your music? Who are your favorite designers right now?**
We use fashion as a media to communicate our world. The most important thing to learn about fashion is how to dominate it and not be dominated by it. I love a lot of new young designers such as Ilariuss, Valenti, Yamuna Forzani, Marios, Rosamosario, Fausto Puglisi, Daizy Shely and many others.
**For years you’ve established yourself as a formative figure on the Italian dance scene but it’s only been recent since you’ve started making waves here in America. How does it feel gaining a new, American audience? Would you ever consider releasing music sung in English?**
It's great to know that my music moves also people that don't speak my language, it means that MK message is so strong that it arrives no matter what. Would love to be spend the winter in LA, please DM me if you have a cute villa for me and Motel Forlanini thnxsss! I can consider singing in English if I do a feat with Madonna maybe??
**Back in December, you released your first book Una Donna Che Conta. What inspired you to write this book? Especially since you’ve kept much of your identity and past a secret. Inspired by the book’s success, would you ever consider writing another book? Maybe something fiction?**
The book ‘Una Donna Che Conta’ is a collection of MK anecdotes that was told before just through interviews and we wanted to have them written down properly for everyone to read it before bed time, instead of the bible which it's so old school nowadays! I'm open to every opportunity that comes up in my life so why not fiction? my life is already a fiction story or is it real? who knows!
**Do you have plans for a United States tour?**
It's my dream, coast to coast with my girls and my guitar
**Is there anything else you would like to add?**
You die a little to live a lot.. YAAAAAAASSSS!