No Sesso Fall/Winter 2020 | MOCA

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While Los Angeles may be home for No Sesso, the self titled fashion brand and part time dj’s, their most recent shows have been everywhere from New York Fashion Week to exhibitions in Japan and Mexico. Bringing things back home, No Sesso debuted its FW20 collection at Los Angeles’ Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA); what designer Pierre Davis explained as an attempt to align the brand with the Fine Art cannon that fashion is usually left out of: 

“We’re artists. No Sesso garments look just as beautiful on the body as they do on a hangar or an installation… All in All, 98% of this collection is artisanal and can’t be remade. If you want one of these pieces you would have to commision them, like you’d commision a painting or sculpture to be made…”

The name, A Vignette of the Renaissance of 24th Street, was inspired by the time Davis spent with Co-designer Autumn Randolph in her West Adams home, and the evolution of the collection from its design to creation. While it was initially imagined to be “really dark” noted Davis, the colorful and empowering inspiration that came from working in a home once owned by Guggenheim Fellow Deana Lawson quickly changed the trajectory of the collection’s aesthetics: 

“I moved into this house on 24th street that happens to be Deana Lawson’s old house, and I grew up just a block over. So its kinda like, we just feel so rich in there already, we’re in a Black owner’s house. Being there inspired and shifted our designs. We just took off…” said Randolph

Echoing No Sesso’s community ethos, many of the designer’s supporters and close friends like Sensational Bobbi, B. Anele of 8 Palms, Paris J., and Jasmine Monseque aka Space Brat became collaborators on accessories and graphics of the collection, forming something made by the people, for the people. “It’s just like, Black Fam link-up!” said Davis. 

On the decision to make the show free and open to the public, Davis referenced her time during New York Fashion Week

“…it’s very Invite only situation, and that’s fine, but our brand is made to make sure people see themselves. Us getting these spaces and opportunities is all about being able to share them with other people as well, its for our people to come and have an experience.”

And the show was nothing short of an experience. As models walked down, accross, and around the runway in patchwork pieces, hand dyed denim, and air-brushed leather, Cody Perkins layered tracks like Lil Kim’s Queen Bitch with instrumental jazz; a mesmerizing manifestation of No Sesso’s broad influences. Summing the show up in just four words, Davis described it with a laugh “Its-giving-very-much.”