Oso Takes R&B To A New Territory
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/26861066-b544-4637-92bc-65ca71410f72/Screen+Shot+2021-11-08+at+10.26.52+AM.png) New York City is where numerous music genres thrive and one is rhythm and blues (R&B). This is why many artists gather there to have their songs heard and let their names be known. However, R&B no longer has the same presence that it used to have in the city. For many music artists, bringing back the New York swagger to the genre is their goal. One of the many musicians with such expectations for the future is Joseph Amoroso, most popularly known as Oso. He’s most renowned on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok for his distinct, edgy music that combines classic R&B melodies with crossover beats. Despite being a newcomer in the industry, he has already made a name for himself. The artist from Queens, New York, is indeed gradually making his way to the top of the charts. However, before Oso came to be known, he was a young dreamer fond of collecting CDs. He was particularly into Jagged Edge, Jodeci, and New Edition that played a significant role in sparking his interest in music. This passion was only nurtured by what he frequently listened to until he realized his dream of becoming a musician himself. However, it wasn’t as simple and easy as it sounded. When Oso was still in high school, he had always considered music to be his future. As he wasn’t doing very well in his studies, he was eventually kicked out of school. During those times, he found comfort in music. However, it wasn’t very easy for him to chase after his passion because of his circumstances. Oso started working at Italian restaurants. He resolutely waited tables until he saved enough money to buy his first set of recording equipment. It was a slow start, but he could finally go after what he always wanted to be. While making music, Oso still worked long shifts to maintain his lifestyle. He would then send the demos of what he made to local studios in hopes of one day making it big. Fast forward to today and Oso is now a rising star in the R&B scene in New York City. He has even opened a show for Jadakiss in his hometown and has made it across the country to Los Angeles and beyond. His songs have also reached hundreds of thousands of streams on popular music platforms, such as Spotify. In no time, he’s expected to be one of the leading names in the music industry. When Oso was asked how he got to where he is now, he revealed that the secret lies in making people laugh and creating great music. While working hard is also necessary, networking matters, and the best way to make connections is by having a fun personality. At the same time, a promising musician should focus on the quality of the music instead of the hype or meme-able one-liners. Oso’s journey from a child collecting CDs of his favorite artists to being a renowned musician has taught him many lessons. One is that the road to success may not be easy, but as long as you have the talent and perseverance, you can certainly make it to the top.