Kian Lawley

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![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487292289666-69F809LN6HOB8MI2GBEY/03_KLaw-182-Edit.jpg) **THE WELL BASICS** _‘not so basic tee’ shirt and_ **DIESEL** _denim pants._ ![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487292154456-HO84QU29RA53DR9UK3LL/01_KLaw-066-Edit_V2.jpg) **THE WELL** **BASICS** _‘dimension tank’ top_, **ZANEROBE SALERNO** _drawstring pants available at AUST 1617, Venice, and_ **2020 FOOTWEAR** _leather loafers._ [](#)[](#) Kian Lawley “Kian came into this project without a ton of formal acting experience and this is a heavy acting piece, a real dramatic one, that required a lot of vulnerability and emotional connection. He is not just a YouTuber anymore, he really committed to his role and he really proved he has the talent to make it as an actor.” – Producer Donald Dunn, _Shovel Buddies_ With over 2.8 million subscribers on his personal YouTube channel, 19-year-old Kian Lawley _\[20\]_ established himself as a main entree in the otherwise buffet-ish YouTube video space. Teaming up with high-ranking Internet personalities (including Jc Caylen and Ricky Dillon) for Our2ndLife, this channel generated over 3 million subscribers before turning off in early 2015. And now Lawley’s warming up for his big screen debut. In _The Chosen_ (2015)—an on-demand “horror-d’oeuvre,” he and his sister sacrifice six family members (delicious, right?) in order to save their younger cousin. Then in the black comedy _Shovel Buddies_, Lawley joins Bella Thorne and Alex Neustaedter in a sardonic quest to complete a “shovel list” of activities left behind by their deceased friend. When asked, the transitioning YouTube star said he looks forward to creating content for screens big and small. But please, while visiting CALIFUK, try not to watch Lawley on both screens at the same time. Those phone lights, they’re so bright. ####  _20 Born 2 September 1995 \[a\]_ #### _20.a “The series is likely to turn into a major marketing opportunity.” \[i\]_ #### _20.i From: “BBC tells the story of the 20th century in the ‘biggest ever’ series”\[_ _\*\]_ #### _by Andrew Culf |_ Guardian _| 2 September 1995_  _\*_ People’s Century_, an epic 26-part miniseries—a five-year, £10 million production—first aired Wednesday 13 September 1995 on  BBC1. The 1995 10-episode run, relying on archival footage and first person interviews, included “the story of the first world war, the rise of communism, the growth of mass sport, unemployment on a global scale, nazism and the holocaust, and the second world war.” It currently holds a score of 8.7/10 on IMDb.com._ #### _Photographer_: Frederic Auerbach for opusreps.com. #### _Stylist_: Leila Baboi at leilababoi.com. #### _Hair_: Dimitris Giannetos for opusbeauty.com using Fekkai. _Makeup_: Paul Blanch for opusbeauty.com using Chanel. _See the [film](http://archive.flaunt.com/s/people/film-kian-lawley/img "film")._
![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487292289666-69F809LN6HOB8MI2GBEY/03_KLaw-182-Edit.jpg) **THE WELL BASICS** _‘not so basic tee’ shirt and_ **DIESEL** _denim pants._ ![](http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1487292154456-HO84QU29RA53DR9UK3LL/01_KLaw-066-Edit_V2.jpg) **THE WELL** **BASICS** _‘dimension tank’ top_, **ZANEROBE SALERNO** _drawstring pants available at AUST 1617, Venice, and_ **2020 FOOTWEAR** _leather loafers._ [](#)[](#) Kian Lawley “Kian came into this project without a ton of formal acting experience and this is a heavy acting piece, a real dramatic one, that required a lot of vulnerability and emotional connection. He is not just a YouTuber anymore, he really committed to his role and he really proved he has the talent to make it as an actor.” – Producer Donald Dunn, _Shovel Buddies_ With over 2.8 million subscribers on his personal YouTube channel, 19-year-old Kian Lawley _\[20\]_ established himself as a main entree in the otherwise buffet-ish YouTube video space. Teaming up with high-ranking Internet personalities (including Jc Caylen and Ricky Dillon) for Our2ndLife, this channel generated over 3 million subscribers before turning off in early 2015. And now Lawley’s warming up for his big screen debut. In _The Chosen_ (2015)—an on-demand “horror-d’oeuvre,” he and his sister sacrifice six family members (delicious, right?) in order to save their younger cousin. Then in the black comedy _Shovel Buddies_, Lawley joins Bella Thorne and Alex Neustaedter in a sardonic quest to complete a “shovel list” of activities left behind by their deceased friend. When asked, the transitioning YouTube star said he looks forward to creating content for screens big and small. But please, while visiting CALIFUK, try not to watch Lawley on both screens at the same time. Those phone lights, they’re so bright. ####  _20 Born 2 September 1995 \[a\]_ #### _20.a “The series is likely to turn into a major marketing opportunity.” \[i\]_ #### _20.i From: “BBC tells the story of the 20th century in the ‘biggest ever’ series”\[_ _\*\]_ #### _by Andrew Culf |_ Guardian _| 2 September 1995_  _\*_ People’s Century_, an epic 26-part miniseries—a five-year, £10 million production—first aired Wednesday 13 September 1995 on  BBC1. The 1995 10-episode run, relying on archival footage and first person interviews, included “the story of the first world war, the rise of communism, the growth of mass sport, unemployment on a global scale, nazism and the holocaust, and the second world war.” It currently holds a score of 8.7/10 on IMDb.com._ #### _Photographer_: Frederic Auerbach for opusreps.com. #### _Stylist_: Leila Baboi at leilababoi.com. #### _Hair_: Dimitris Giannetos for opusbeauty.com using Fekkai. _Makeup_: Paul Blanch for opusbeauty.com using Chanel. _See the [film](http://archive.flaunt.com/s/people/film-kian-lawley/img "film")._