'Pipe Dreams on Pico' | The new paperback from Brent L. Smith

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![](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d588e793aeb33b26384f_PDOPimage.png) Brent L. Smith is doing something new in a time when the concept of the paperback pocket book seems a distant memory—he’s bringing it back. Smith crafts something fresh, releasing the cleverly nostalgic, fresh, gritty cat and mouse crime novella, [_Pipe Dreams on Pico_](https://www.farwestpress.com/far-west-books/p/brent-l-smith-pipe-dreams-on-pico). The book follows three preternatural girls that ransack corrupt parts of the city, from gas stations to banks, with detective Mel Stokes setting out to stop them no matter what it takes. _Pipe Dreams on Pico_ is rich in inspiration, stemming from a turbulent reality. That reality is, inspired by Smith’s own world, our looming and ever present climate crisis. “The idea of impending metaphysical revenge on humanity seems very tangible,” says author Brent Smith “That’s what I wanted to do—dramatize this spiritual vengeance against a toxic humanity.” In a haunting addition to the book that will stick in your mind, it finds sourcing from and is dedicated to two infamous Manson family members, Sandra Good and Lynette Fromme. Their twisted yet fascinated stories swam through Smith’s mind while writing _Pipe Dreams_. Good faced a 15 year prison sentence for threatening hundreds of corporate executives, and Fromme attempted to assassinate Former US President Ford. The morbidly fascinating tales are paralleled in this pocketbook. ![](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d588e793aeb33b26382b_IMG-2731.jpeg) In honor of its nostalgic cinematic nature, the book is partnered a [soundtrack](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5n8hEhzGcx1AKaK4gTJRUy?si=9f6f6785341a48c3)—a playlist Smith used while writing it. It sets the tone of this one of a kind neo-western, featuring songs form Tyler the Creator, Blondie, Dead Moone and more. Speaking on his inspiration, Smith says “Rock n’ roll, catastrophe, paranormal visitors, eco-terrorism, failed politics, the world coming apart at the seams. Violence seems to be such a part of the cosmic scene right now. I like writing books that pack a punch. Hit the reader in the gut, and get out before they have a chance to catch their breath.” “Cinematic” is a purposeful word choice as the book not only has a soundtrack but also has its own mind bending trailer that serves as the perfect introduction to the book. Produced by [@theSundaychannel,](https://www.patreon.com/thesundaychannel) narrated by [Haley Dahl](https://www.instagram.com/sloppyjanebandd/?hl=en), and soundtracked by Brent Himself, the trailer is in itself a moment of storytelling, adding to the book’s vivid and gritty tone. This novella is not to be missed. While easily tangible in form, its has truly diegetic sound if you let it. It’s remarkably new and simultaneously vintage in nature, and as promised, it fits perfectly in to your back pocket. What more could you want? Purchase your own copy of this one of a kind book [here](https://www.farwestpress.com/far-west-books/p/brent-l-smith-pipe-dreams-on-pico).