### We Went out and Tasted the Freshest Cold Pressed Juices Los Angeles Has to Offer
### **_BRAND_: Press Brothers**
_NAME_: Longevity
When consumed from a champagne flute one might feel like a classy vampire such as Brad Pitt’s Louis de Pointe du Lac or Tilda Swinton’s Eve. It is surprisingly refreshing.
**_BRAND_: Press Brothers**
_NAME_: Sweet Green
Tastes like working at a pineapple farm all day and smelling of weeds.
**_BRAND_: Press Brothers**
_NAME_: Purity
A Greek salad made by someone else’s mom, on a slightly cool summer afternoon.
Tastes like laying in a wide open field, shaded by cattails under the sun with a warm breeze.
**_BRAND_: Press Brothers**
_NAME_: Dr. Green
Aggressive bouquet, very smooth, on second sip- notes of bitterness. Savory, metallic finish.
_BRAND_: Press Brothers
_NAME_: Liquid Gold
Baby vomit on the nose, pineapple popsicle on the front, and Tang on the back-sticky finish.
**_BRAND_: Press Brothers**
_NAME_: Charge
Tastes like grass, but like yummy grass like how I would imagine grass tastes to a cow. It has a sharp quality, a bit of a bite.
Sweet and grassy on the nose, soft and easy on the palate, like a baby’s bottom, but with a little ginger? Rooty finish.
**_BRAND_: Press Brothers**
_NAME_: Quench
Reminds me of my childhood. Tastes very much like an apple Jolly Rancher.
**_BRAND_: Press Brothers**
_NAME_: Drop Acid
Burp after a street taco
**_BRAND_: Press Brothers**
_NAME_: Balance
Mowing the lawn on a summer day, green, grassy, tart, fresh.