Flaunt Premiere | Jasmine Crowe Drops “Love Is Love” Single & Video In Celebration Of Pride Month

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JasmineCroweFLAUNT.Still112.jpg ![JasmineCroweFLAUNT.Still112.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d52ac4e0411e8d6fe38b_JasmineCroweFLAUNT.Still112.jpeg) It’s June, which means it’s officially pride month, and [Jasmine Crowe](https://www.instagram.com/iamjasminecrowe/) has the perfect anthem to celebrate. Today, the rising star releases the stunning video for newest single “[Love Is Love](https://youtu.be/qvX7eTk9GQM),” which initially began as a poem she wrote one night while going through something incredibly personal. The new record sheds light on how love can be so many things, despite the gray areas or your own sentiments. The video, premiering today exclusively on _Flaunt_, is an aesthetically stunning celebration of diversity, love, and equality. “[Love Is Love](https://youtu.be/qvX7eTk9GQM)” was written with one of Crowe’s best friends, Keith Weidner, which she describes as “a joyful and cathartic experience.” Growing up in Hawaii, one of their sayings is “where I live there are rainbows,” which was brought to life for her by childhood friend and award-winning ukulele instrumentalist Brittni Paiva, who is also featured on an upcoming acoustic version of the single, and video, set for release later this month. This record is made for the LGBTQ community to celebrate love in the most pure form.  JasmineCroweFLAUNT.Still085.jpg ![JasmineCroweFLAUNT.Still085.jpg](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d52ac4e0411e8d6fe388_JasmineCroweFLAUNT.Still085.jpeg) Jasmine states, “It’s amazing how far we’ve come with representation in the media, with culture, and being fortunate enough to be able to celebrate equality today,  pride has not been an easy journey throughout history. There’s still a lot of work to do and that’s why being vocal about it is so important.” For those listening to the record, Jasmine simply reminds them: one day at a time. This is a reminder to be true to who you are, even when it’s scary!