Prolific Southside rapper [Struggle Jennings](https://www.instagram.com/iamstruggle/?hl=en) buries his past in the new video for “Good Die Young,” premiered exclusively today on _Flaunt_. The record digs into the heart of his redemptive message, as he brings the song to life in the visual.
Born William Harness into a line of straight-up musical legends, the Tennessee native wears his family moniker with pride, but is very much an artist of his own vision. The grandson of outlaw-country giants Jessi Colter and Waylon Jennings (his step-grandfather), Jennings embraced the hard-knock lifestyle as a young man and eventually paid the price, doing a 5-year prison stint that ended in 2016. But he emerged with a unique take on the family business: a gripping mix of outlaw attitude and been-there-done-that wisdom, all presented with gritty, gunslinging vocal flow.
“Good Die Young,” is an early taste of his forthcoming [_Troubadour Of Troubled Souls_](https://ps.onerpm.com/troubadouroftroubledsouls) album (out April 9th), and finds Jennings preaching from a pulpit of inner pain.
With visceral introspection, Jennings raps of literally putting the past behind him, reflecting on a life of mistakes. His burly vocal delivery builds until it finally boils over, with tense beats matching a nod to his namesake through a windblown steel guitar.
“‘Good Die Young’ is by far one of my favorite songs I’ve done to date. It’s one of the best explanations of who I am, what I’m not and who I strive to be,” Jennings explains. “As a kid, I had adopted the belief that ‘it’s okay to do wrong if you’re doing it for the right reason.’ It led me down some crazy paths and ended with me in prison. During my 5 years down, I did a lot of soul searching and had to really kill off a lot of those old, irrational beliefs to become the man I wanted to be, hence the video portraying me burying myself… or the old me.”
Stuck in a crazy snowstorm in Nashville, Jennings said “let’s go shoot a video in the snow.” During a movie night at the house with his kids, he said “let’s film that too.” Jennings loves giving the audience the real him, and this was a dope video to a song that truly embodies him to his deepest core.