Q&A | Kim Shui Fall/ Winter 2020

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Photo by Lula Hyer ![Photo by Lula Hyer](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bd1928d062243a5cba44_image-asset.jpeg) Photo by Lula Hyer Kim Shui's designs exude an undeniable attitude. Inspired by the creative chaos of New York's Chinatown, Shui presents her Fall/ Winter 2020 collection by mirroring the color vibrancy, diversity, and culture of downtown women. Having cultivated an "it girl" movement, we spoke with Kim post-fashion week to reflect on her latest collection. **_What informed your color palette for the FW20 season?_** I wanted to start with something woody for Autumn that then evolves and transforms into an explosion of color. So the browns and more muted colors go into lilacs and satiny blues.  **_The collection is full of spontaneity in color and prints. What were your influences there?_** I was looking at Ancient Chinese empress garments, traditional sari dresses, Sam Gillian Drape paintings, Justin Morin sculptures, and butterfly motifs.  Photo by Courtney Yates ![Photo by Courtney Yates](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1583181840546-745LQLW0XFZPJBGGRP98/KimShui_71.JPG) Photo by Courtney Yates **_How does New York City inspire your design style in general, and this collection in particular?_**  I think it’s the energy and also just making things that I would wear out here. We worked with stylist Kyle Luu on creating these tourist NYC and Bruce Lee Chinatown t-shirt babushka headscarves with Swarovski crystals for this collection. I thought these were special as they incorporate my living in Chinatown/ NYC into the accessories.  **_Your garments exude a sort of attitude, how would you describe it?_** To me, the garments are about being bold and not too concerned with what other people think of you. They’re about having an expensive feel but also looking like maybe she got it from Chinatown for 10$ at the same time.  Photo by Lula Hyer ![Photo by Lula Hyer](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bd1928d062243a5cba3f_DSC05120%2B%25281%2529.jpeg) Photo by Lula Hyer * * *