Rabôt has always been dedicated to leaving a positive impact on the environment and their newest endeavor does exactly that.
The Los Angeles based sustainable clothing brand has paired up with twelve female artists to host a digital art and clothing auction to benefit the California Fire Foundation. Sculptures, paintings, ceramics, photographs and silkscreen printings are all being auctioned off on their website from October 19th-October 25th to support those affected by the California wildfires.
Support the effort [here](https://shoprabot.com/collections/rabot-planet-eden-auction)!
![Photo by Grace Johnson](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1603400981341-R1X6444PN8JD0IFEW7BR/grace-johnson-2_FLAUNT.jpg)
Photo by Grace Johnson