Small Town Roots And Drive | Millennial CEO Sean K. DeMarco Grows Corporation to 7 Figures Even Through Adversity 
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/e20c33a8-cd67-4ce3-8bf3-fe555287c104/image0+-+2022-08-02T130530.805.jpeg) COVID-19 questioned the stability of many organizations, with many entrepreneurs being forced to downsize or close down their businesses. However, some were able to hold out even during its peak, like Sean K. DeMarco. He is the CEO of DeMarco Enterprises International, Inc. and DeMarco Real Estate of Southern California, LLC. DeMarco is also an investor, philanthropist and author. He wrote the book, Finding Me: 250 Pounds Later. Where he shares with us his journey how he lost 250 pounds. Sean K. DeMarco was raised in a small agriculture town on the Central Coast of California by his grandparents in a middle class family of small business owners. Growing up, DeMarco came to learn and embrace the life of a business owner and understand the concept of running and maintaining a business. “Growing up in a small town I always knew I needed to expand my network and move to the city.” He said. “My family, are good people with true core values. They worked hard from sunrise to sunset. They always wanted so much more for me though.” According to DeMarco, the lessons learned growing up, and his experience in the business world helped him immensely to start and grow a corporation even during the pandemic. DeMarco is not one to give up easily, he remained resolute about achieving his plan to grow his company and setbacks was not going to stop him. He knew that to reach his goals, he had to keep showing up as his best self. His tenacity has enabled him to build an estimated seven-figure valued corporation from the ground up. DeMarco has assembled one of the industry's greatest teams, leveraging his skills and resources to provide innovative and exemplary services. DeMarco is questioning the status quo. He constantly works on his short term goals to reach his long term goals. DeMarco also leverages cryptocurrency to bring his ideas into fruition and expand his venture, he believes that crypto is the future, and with the proper market understanding, you can build long-term wealth and grow your businesses. DeMarco shows individuals how to effectively utilize and grow their wealth and, most importantly, how to survive through any trial or tribulation. He emphasizes the role of a positive mindset and tenacity. "I honestly believe anything is possible with the right mindset. If you want something bad enough, you go for it. Your current situation doesn't have to stop you from reaching your dreams. You can leverage roadblocks as stepping stones. But it's important also to wish the same success on others. Everyone wants to win; let's win together," says DeMarco.
![Alt Text](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/e20c33a8-cd67-4ce3-8bf3-fe555287c104/image0+-+2022-08-02T130530.805.jpeg) COVID-19 questioned the stability of many organizations, with many entrepreneurs being forced to downsize or close down their businesses. However, some were able to hold out even during its peak, like Sean K. DeMarco. He is the CEO of DeMarco Enterprises International, Inc. and DeMarco Real Estate of Southern California, LLC. DeMarco is also an investor, philanthropist and author. He wrote the book, Finding Me: 250 Pounds Later. Where he shares with us his journey how he lost 250 pounds. Sean K. DeMarco was raised in a small agriculture town on the Central Coast of California by his grandparents in a middle class family of small business owners. Growing up, DeMarco came to learn and embrace the life of a business owner and understand the concept of running and maintaining a business. “Growing up in a small town I always knew I needed to expand my network and move to the city.” He said. “My family, are good people with true core values. They worked hard from sunrise to sunset. They always wanted so much more for me though.” According to DeMarco, the lessons learned growing up, and his experience in the business world helped him immensely to start and grow a corporation even during the pandemic. DeMarco is not one to give up easily, he remained resolute about achieving his plan to grow his company and setbacks was not going to stop him. He knew that to reach his goals, he had to keep showing up as his best self. His tenacity has enabled him to build an estimated seven-figure valued corporation from the ground up. DeMarco has assembled one of the industry's greatest teams, leveraging his skills and resources to provide innovative and exemplary services. DeMarco is questioning the status quo. He constantly works on his short term goals to reach his long term goals. DeMarco also leverages cryptocurrency to bring his ideas into fruition and expand his venture, he believes that crypto is the future, and with the proper market understanding, you can build long-term wealth and grow your businesses. DeMarco shows individuals how to effectively utilize and grow their wealth and, most importantly, how to survive through any trial or tribulation. He emphasizes the role of a positive mindset and tenacity. "I honestly believe anything is possible with the right mindset. If you want something bad enough, you go for it. Your current situation doesn't have to stop you from reaching your dreams. You can leverage roadblocks as stepping stones. But it's important also to wish the same success on others. Everyone wants to win; let's win together," says DeMarco.