Flaunt Video Premiere | Semma & Kingdom's 'My Boy'
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For any vocalist whose goal is to enter that celestial space of potent IDM-dancehall-je-ne-sais-quoi which continues to bleed out of Funktion Ones on underground Los Angeles dance floors, Fade To Mind is your compass and [Kingdom](https://www.instagram.com/kkingdomm/?hl=en) / Dubbel Dutch is your destination. Today, Flaunt is pleased to premiere the new music video for ’My Boy’, by rising London r&b singer [Semma,](https://www.instagram.com/iamsemma/?hl=en) directed by Oliver Wilson and produced by the exceptional aforementioned duo. Extracted from the recent ‘Ribbon & Bows’ EP from late March, the tune marks Semma’s powerful debut with the Fade To Mind label.
Lead single 'My Boy’ is a melodic earworm about the insecurities felt during a relationship and the vulnerability post break-up. It's honest and affirms Semma's exemplary vocal range, switching comfortably from restrained harmonies to strong diva vocals and beyond the heights of falsetto into the elusive whistle register effortlessly. Complemented by an instrumental that carves out space for her voice to take centre stage. Kingdom understands the subtleties, dynamics and crescendos needed to have synergy, so it hits like a sugar rush.
Towards the end of the video, it segues into fan favourite ‘Ribbons & Bows’, which slows down the pace for a spine-tingling ballad with passionate vocals leading the way and lighting cues changing to black & white to match the original EP cover.
Director Oliver Wilson provides context on the video’s concept:
_“After hearing ‘My Boy’ and ‘Ribbons and Bows’ I wanted to create a rhythmic, striking and beautiful video to launch the EP._
_The track ‘My boy’ translates to me as a song of desire. I thought it would be interesting to explore this as a progression of a headspace one goes through when they can't sleep because something/someone is playing on their mind. Using Semma’s performance, set against a backdrop of the changing colours of ‘deep blue night’ through to a ‘rich orange sunrise’ it gives the video a theatrical and graphic edge. The following intro to ‘Ribbons and Bows’ felt apt to be stripped back in black and white in direct contrast to the previous vid and to show the depth and range of Semma as an artist.”_
Purchase ‘Ribbons & Bows’ EP [here.](https://fadetomind.lnk.to/ribbonsandbows)
Watch the music video below:
For any vocalist whose goal is to enter that celestial space of potent IDM-dancehall-je-ne-sais-quoi which continues to bleed out of Funktion Ones on underground Los Angeles dance floors, Fade To Mind is your compass and [Kingdom](https://www.instagram.com/kkingdomm/?hl=en) / Dubbel Dutch is your destination. Today, Flaunt is pleased to premiere the new music video for ’My Boy’, by rising London r&b singer [Semma,](https://www.instagram.com/iamsemma/?hl=en) directed by Oliver Wilson and produced by the exceptional aforementioned duo. Extracted from the recent ‘Ribbon & Bows’ EP from late March, the tune marks Semma’s powerful debut with the Fade To Mind label.
Lead single 'My Boy’ is a melodic earworm about the insecurities felt during a relationship and the vulnerability post break-up. It's honest and affirms Semma's exemplary vocal range, switching comfortably from restrained harmonies to strong diva vocals and beyond the heights of falsetto into the elusive whistle register effortlessly. Complemented by an instrumental that carves out space for her voice to take centre stage. Kingdom understands the subtleties, dynamics and crescendos needed to have synergy, so it hits like a sugar rush.
Towards the end of the video, it segues into fan favourite ‘Ribbons & Bows’, which slows down the pace for a spine-tingling ballad with passionate vocals leading the way and lighting cues changing to black & white to match the original EP cover.
Director Oliver Wilson provides context on the video’s concept:
_“After hearing ‘My Boy’ and ‘Ribbons and Bows’ I wanted to create a rhythmic, striking and beautiful video to launch the EP._
_The track ‘My boy’ translates to me as a song of desire. I thought it would be interesting to explore this as a progression of a headspace one goes through when they can't sleep because something/someone is playing on their mind. Using Semma’s performance, set against a backdrop of the changing colours of ‘deep blue night’ through to a ‘rich orange sunrise’ it gives the video a theatrical and graphic edge. The following intro to ‘Ribbons and Bows’ felt apt to be stripped back in black and white in direct contrast to the previous vid and to show the depth and range of Semma as an artist.”_
Purchase ‘Ribbons & Bows’ EP [here.](https://fadetomind.lnk.to/ribbonsandbows)
Watch the music video below: