SHAVONE. | Announcing Future Of Creatives
DSC\_0171.jpg ![DSC_0171.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1628794626708-8HXB6NP0F3B1DBF3K8M3/DSC_0171.jpg) [SHAVONE.](https://flaunt.com/content/shavone-the-inverse-of-trauma), after a over a decade of empowering diversity and inclusion, announces the launch of her [Future Of Creatives](https://www.instagram.com/futureofcreatives/) group and consultancy. This new platform is a tech-forward creative group, consultancy, and platform that will elevate underrepresented people across all different industries—tech, entertainment, art, and fashion to work towards a more diverse and equitable playing field. For the first part of the launch announcement, SHAVONE. and Future Of Creatives debut the first photo project with PUMA, highlighting women in creative fields. Following this first collaboration, Future Of Creatives will showcase a series of collaborations and initiatives, distributed via a newsletter from the collective. 6.png ![6.png](https://assets-global.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d70ae444ef1725858857_6.png)