Tao Mijares | A Conversation about 'The League of Horror'

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League of Horror\_FLAUNT.png ![League of Horror_FLAUNT.png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1610555089184-095YIKLFFWWEUNYGX4EI/League+of+Horror_FLAUNT.png) On any given Sunday during this pandemic, most people are likely in their homes playing video games or watching movies. For many, they find themselves captivated and terrified by the booming horror genre. And yet, the conditions of the world have inspired many to expand and dig deeper into culture, to perhaps understand how the massive contemporary impact of horror has often originated. I recently came across _The League of Horror_ while navigating the vast world of horror fiction on Amazon, and it’s easy to understand how such an eerie and terror-laced book might give cause to other entertainment mediums. Stephen King is mostly likely to come to mind when considering horror in books, however, there are many authors out in the world who have made their mark on the ever-evolving genre. One that stands out is Tao Mijares, from Monterrey, Mexico, author of [_The League of Horror_](https://www.instagram.com/taomijaresleagueofhorror/) series, and his first installment, “Chapter 1: Perverted”, is now [on sale](https://www.amazon.com/LEAGUE-HORROR-CHAPTER-PERVERTED-ebook/dp/B08R2Z2K5M/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=league%20of%20horror&qid=1610555460&sr=8-1). The novel tells the story of Isabelle Henderson and her team, who are tasked with tracking down a serial killer, all while Isabelle struggles with her own demons and the separation of reality from delusion. The vision crafted leaves one in constant, page-turning awe. Throughout the book, Mijares’s horrific world and its grisly scenes are balanced with a complex and psychologically rich character journey. With the release of this book series on the horizon, there is great potential, which will likely see fans continue to rise. _Flaunt_ had the privilege to speak with the charismatic and passionate Mijares about his journey, his inspirations, and what we might come to expect as _The League of Horror_ enters our lives and homes… whether we want it to or not.  **Tell us a little about yourself?**  I’m just a regular guy whose dream is to tell his stories. Whether it is through music, movies, or, in this case, a book. **When did you start writing?** A long, long time ago. My first released book was _The Chronicon_, a short novel published back in my University days. **What is your favorite author and novel?** Most definitely Giovanni Papini, especially the _Apology of the Devil_. **How long did it take you to write the novel?** The three books of the first chapter of _The League of Horror_ took me three long months to write. **Are there any socio-political messages within the book?** There are, but I prefer to let the reader discover them as the plot develops through the next two books. **What is the significance of the quote “To my daughter who was born with terror in her veins”?** Well, since she was a little girl, she was so fond of all that involved horror, magic, monsters, serial killers, etc. Maybe as a result of the first book I gave her, which was a vampire book for kids. **What inspired you to write this novel?** Actually, it was a challenge from my daughter. One day she just asked me: “Dad, why don’t you write a real horror story?” So, I did it! **Are some of the characters in the book based on people in your life? Or are they purely fictional? Elaborate on Isabelle and Jack.** It is challenging for a writer not to be influenced by who surrounds him/her, so I know some elements from the people I have contact with got into my novel. However, it was not intentionally that I took some gestures or phrases or behaviors to put in my characters. You can even find some of myself on Isabelle or in Jack, but it was mostly unintentionally. League of Horror\_FLAUNT.jpg ![League of Horror_FLAUNT.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1610555067059-EK2BZ0767QQB8BQY4JR8/League+of+Horror_FLAUNT.jpg) **Why make Isabelle the protagonist? What's the significance behind it?** If you look at my previous works, you will find a common denominator in almost all of them, and that is a woman. For me, the woman is _the_ human being by antonomasia, so I saw no reason to change this in this epic. **Which part in the novel, without getting into spoiler territory, was your favorite one to write? Why?** Definitely the first nightmare, the first horror hallucination of Isabelle, for it took me to such a dark place that I was at the same time scared and fascinated with what I was writing. **Do you have any future plans for this book series? A TV show, or movies?** We are working on all of it with different companies. We expect to have good news soon. However, the book saga and the graphic novel will continue as planned for this year. **Why the fixation on the use of medieval torture devices?** Nothing represents better the Plautus quote used in this first book—“Man is a wolf to man”—than the torture devices. What would move a person to develop a device where the specific use is to infringe pain to a peer rather than the deep instinct to be a wolf to his/her peer?” \*\*\* Press Contact: [Eduardo González](mailto:rrppmedia@212productions.tv) / [212 Productions](https://www.212productions.com)