![Photo Credit: Dom Gould](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472d08729ed4fd156b80399_-tia-gostelow-bts-film-FLAUNT.jpeg)
Photo Credit: Dom Gould
Australian indie pop artist [Tia Gostelow](https://www.instagram.com/tiagostelow/) is giving us all the 80’s throwback feels in her new video for the irresistibly funky “ALWAYS,” premiered exclusively on Flaunt. We get to experience a prom like never before in the chick flick style video, where we get green with envy for Gostelow’s flamboyant puff-sleeve dress. Through muted tones and stunning, cinematic shots, the new visuals are the perfect accompaniment to the opulent melodies and rich soundscapes that “ALWAYS” presents.
Gostelow shares, “Filming this video for ‘ALWAYS’ was so much fun! I loved having Dom Gould as a director and it was so lovely to have my boyfriend involved. It made it a lot easier to relate to the story of ‘ALWAYS’ on camera because it was real.”
The new release hails from her upcoming second album titled _CHRYSALIS,_ featuring fellow Australians’ HOLY HOLY and lyrically delving into the turbulent time of life as a young adult — a theme which weaves throughout the entirety of the highly anticipated album. “ALWAYS” touches on love and relationships and the importance of pushing through the bad times in order to get to the good. Life often throws huge curveballs at us and 2020 in particular has had an impact on relationships around the world, with couples either forced to be apart for months on end and others stuck together 24/7. Gostelow knows from first-hand experience the challenges it takes when being away from loved ones and how testing it can be.
_CHRYSALIS_ will for sure be our new soundtrack for 2020, perhaps even offering a sense of solace in a world that’s been turned upside down.