Check Out The New Wallows Music Video "These Days"

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5fe1a386b8d1651fc5bb36204a811a4f2132ff78v2\_hq.jpg ![5fe1a386b8d1651fc5bb36204a811a4f2132ff78v2_hq.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1529950524153-6WTG60ATGKXSH2EMOCIC/5fe1a386b8d1651fc5bb36204a811a4f2132ff78v2_hq.jpg) Wallows, the alt-rock band, featuring “13 Reasons Why” actor Dylan Minnette, just released their new official video for “These Days”. The band formed in Southern California when the three members were just kids. Signed by Atlantic Records, the band is set to play at upcoming music festivals such as Lollapalooza, Austin City Limits, and Voodoo Fest this year. With the success of their first EP _Spring_, released just this past April, the band is working hard in the studio to produce their new project. Their growing fan base landed them the #2 spot on Pandora’s next big sound chart last week. With sold out shows and celebrity recognition (James Corden tweeted they are his new favorite band), Wallows is set to be on your summer playlist for 2018. Written by Abby Siegel