
HERE Fest Presents Here For NYC

Tickets are now on sale

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Palmer Dean

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Generation Z is all too familiar with the endless year-round parade of social media posts from the classic lineup of American music festivals. These events sell tickets at nauseatingly expensive prices, bringing in an influx of rowdy young people in face gems, leaving behind empty cans and a lack of dignity. HERE Fest is changing this disappointing legacy on behalf of our generation by creating a global concert series committed to fusing music with social impact. The festival transcends the traditional festival experience and creates a more meaningful connection between the audience and the community around them. 

HERE for LA was hosted in December 2022 and featured 22 acts, bringing in over 1200 attendees. The HERE foundation whose larger goal is to create a crossroads between culture and cause, is spreading its impact to New York City where it will host HERE for NYC on February 10th. All of the festival’s proceeds will support Big Reuse and Urban Justice Center, two New York City-based nonprofits. Big Reuse is a community-based nonprofit that is dedicated to promoting sustainable practices in urban areas to lower landfill waste production and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Urban Justice Center is a nonprofit legal service that provides legal aid to underserved and underfunded communities. By attending, the audience is not just taking from the land and community that the festival is hosted on, they are supporting it while also enjoying a diverse range of music and activities.

The festival in New York City will feature a plethora of artists including Eartheater, Vegyn, Live.e, RXK Nephew, Underscores, Roy Blair, and James Ivy. A series of immersive mini-events will take place leading up to the festival allowing attendees to interact directly with the nonprofits in which they are supporting. Co-founders Ethan, Stella, and Connor are confident that this festival is unique from all existing festival experiences in its impact and experience. The next time you leave a festival feeling as though your pockets are empty, at the least you can be confident it went to a positive cause.

Tickets are now on sale for HERE for NY via Dice.fm with General Admission tickets priced at $48 and VIP tickets at $95. The festival will be held at the Knockdown Center in Queens, New York

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music, festival, genz, social impact, new york city