Savannah McMillan | She Lives In The Walls
Photographed by Nate Rynaski. ![Photographed by Nate Rynaski.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb455af0433828a8650a_image-asset.jpeg) Photographed by Nate Rynaski. This week acclaimed English photographer [Savannah McMillan](https://www.instagram.com/savannahmcmillan/?hl=en) will exhibit “She Lives In The Walls,” a collection of work freed from the male gaze and reflective of a joyous and comfortable relationship between photographer and subject. McMillan’s works explore a sense of intimacy and allow for a fluidity of expression. She explores these themes throughout her work, having published [_GASP_](https://www.gasp.life/) last year, a collection of 30 accounts of intimacy. These stories were presented alongside 20 artworks including photographs, paintings, and illustrations. The anonymously told stories in the book also sit alongside tantric teachings, and much more. McMillan has been traveling the world since she was 18 years old. She works to strip away insecurities and allow for a true and honest representation of the subject. ahead of the opening she came to let us know Photographed by Savannah McMillan. ![Photographed by Savannah McMillan.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb455af0433828a8651a_image-asset.jpeg) Photographed by [Savannah McMillan](https://www.instagram.com/savannahmcmillan/?hl=en). **Your work claims to have an overarching theme of intimacy, can you explain how that’s explored between the photographer and subject in making these works?**  In our social generation of flick and swipe, I feel we lack intimacy in all forms. Biologically as humans, we seek connection and physical touch. In these images I wanted to explore and celebrate that. I strived to remove the facade that we tend to present on our day to day, and reveal something more honest, raw and liberated. There has to be a comfort between the photographer and subject - and sometimes these connections are established the day of shoot. It’s allowing the space and freedom for the subject to erupt into ecstasy, or fall down to their knees - either or, with trust, capturing that defining moment. Despite the nudity, I would not describe the images as sexualised, but rather that they allow the opportunity to explore self love, ownership of your own body, your own sexuality and your own sensibilities. Last year I co-created a book (GASP) - 30 explorations of intimacy from anonymous writers and 20 visual representations by various artists. I read so many stories - the common denominator was that we are all seeking love. Reflected in another human, but ultimately, back at ourselves. I hoped to communicate that. **How did you get into photography?** I've shot religiously since I was 15. But after the intention of studying international relations at university, I 180’d the car when i saw a very clear, constructed path laid out for me. I still have a chip on my shoulder for not going to university, however the most valuable lessons have definitely been learnt outside of the classroom. I headed toward London and pretty much slept in my car till I found work, found friends who were also dancing in the chaos. It was a hustle, and still is - and I am so grateful for that. Every time I pick up my camera there is a new tangible experience - I love photography because I am constantly learning, connecting and feeding my curiosity. Photographed by Savannah McMillan. ![Photographed by Savannah McMillan.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb455af0433828a86512_flaunt%2Bmagazine%2BSavannah%2BMcMillan%2B3.jpeg) Photographed by [Savannah McMillan](https://www.instagram.com/savannahmcmillan/?hl=en). **What role does the setting or environment play in conveying these underlying meanings and explorations of intimacy? The choice to shoot nude in water immediately reminds me of birth, am I onto something or reaching?**  I guess in some ways it is reminiscent of birth… or more accurately, for me, a rebirth. This is a never-ending journey of exploring my own sexuality, ideals of love and coming home to myself. For me the images are representative of letting go & falling, loving & losing, swimming in the uncertain waters of alternative relationships - of being together in our alone. Ultimately, the images are a celebration of an internal intimacy, with our love as our reflection. **She Lives In The Walls is your first solo exhibition in the US, tell us about the concept?** I remember being 18 having dinner with my close friends at school, we played the game never have i ever, i said, never have i ever masturbated. I was the only one who took a sip of my drink. And I remember the glances & whispers exchanged. And despite being someone who is fiercely unapologetic for her hunger - I still felt shame. Shame that bled down into my bones.  It dissipated, obviously. \*laughs\*  She Lives In The Walls is the desire to take up more space, make more noise - to accept yourself in your fullest form. Photographed by Savannah McMillan. ![Photographed by Savannah McMillan.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb455af0433828a8650e_image-asset.jpeg) Photographed by [Savannah McMillan](https://www.instagram.com/savannahmcmillan/?hl=en). **Your Instagram lists you as a photographer and producer, can you explain the latter a bit? What are some of the most fun projects you've produced?**  I love storytelling. I love seeing projects come to fruition. Currently I am in the development stage of producing a short film that we are due to shoot in Barcelona at the end of this year, where we explore a transwomans first orgasm, post transitional surgery. I would like to see more accurate female representation in film. For example, in erotica, what gay woman is using three inch nails to fuck another woman? Surely thats a health hazard? Most of my work centres around intimacy and the breaking down our internal and external boundaries - as in this case, i’d like to see something more real rather than something that is directional/presentational for men. **Who or what inspires you the most? (creatively)**  It changes daily, but the one constant would be the people I’m surrounded by. I’m into contextual photography - drawn from personal experiences and encounters, from the everyday to the extraordinary. Photographed by Savannah McMillan. ![Photographed by Savannah McMillan.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb455af0433828a86516_image-asset.jpeg) Photographed by [Savannah McMillan](https://www.instagram.com/savannahmcmillan/?hl=en). * * * _“She Lives In The Walls”_ will be on view November 20, 2019 from 7pm to 10 pm at the [Kimpton La Peer Hotel](https://www.lapeerhotel.com/?adpos=%7Badpos%7D&creative=277613981753&device=c&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn8nuBRCzARIsAJcdIfPdVCoFhfLonUPTzLpx5ZLuyfvFHG8aSS5zagF-2pEycu-TpP_kdSwaAgFkEALw_wcB&matchtype=e&network=g&utm_campaign=Brand-Hotel%20Name_Exact&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_term=kimpton%20la%20peer%20hotel) | 627 N La Peer Dr
Photographed by Nate Rynaski. ![Photographed by Nate Rynaski.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb455af0433828a8650a_image-asset.jpeg) Photographed by Nate Rynaski. This week acclaimed English photographer [Savannah McMillan](https://www.instagram.com/savannahmcmillan/?hl=en) will exhibit “She Lives In The Walls,” a collection of work freed from the male gaze and reflective of a joyous and comfortable relationship between photographer and subject. McMillan’s works explore a sense of intimacy and allow for a fluidity of expression. She explores these themes throughout her work, having published [_GASP_](https://www.gasp.life/) last year, a collection of 30 accounts of intimacy. These stories were presented alongside 20 artworks including photographs, paintings, and illustrations. The anonymously told stories in the book also sit alongside tantric teachings, and much more. McMillan has been traveling the world since she was 18 years old. She works to strip away insecurities and allow for a true and honest representation of the subject. ahead of the opening she came to let us know Photographed by Savannah McMillan. ![Photographed by Savannah McMillan.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb455af0433828a8651a_image-asset.jpeg) Photographed by [Savannah McMillan](https://www.instagram.com/savannahmcmillan/?hl=en). **Your work claims to have an overarching theme of intimacy, can you explain how that’s explored between the photographer and subject in making these works?**  In our social generation of flick and swipe, I feel we lack intimacy in all forms. Biologically as humans, we seek connection and physical touch. In these images I wanted to explore and celebrate that. I strived to remove the facade that we tend to present on our day to day, and reveal something more honest, raw and liberated. There has to be a comfort between the photographer and subject - and sometimes these connections are established the day of shoot. It’s allowing the space and freedom for the subject to erupt into ecstasy, or fall down to their knees - either or, with trust, capturing that defining moment. Despite the nudity, I would not describe the images as sexualised, but rather that they allow the opportunity to explore self love, ownership of your own body, your own sexuality and your own sensibilities. Last year I co-created a book (GASP) - 30 explorations of intimacy from anonymous writers and 20 visual representations by various artists. I read so many stories - the common denominator was that we are all seeking love. Reflected in another human, but ultimately, back at ourselves. I hoped to communicate that. **How did you get into photography?** I've shot religiously since I was 15. But after the intention of studying international relations at university, I 180’d the car when i saw a very clear, constructed path laid out for me. I still have a chip on my shoulder for not going to university, however the most valuable lessons have definitely been learnt outside of the classroom. I headed toward London and pretty much slept in my car till I found work, found friends who were also dancing in the chaos. It was a hustle, and still is - and I am so grateful for that. Every time I pick up my camera there is a new tangible experience - I love photography because I am constantly learning, connecting and feeding my curiosity. Photographed by Savannah McMillan. ![Photographed by Savannah McMillan.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb455af0433828a86512_flaunt%2Bmagazine%2BSavannah%2BMcMillan%2B3.jpeg) Photographed by [Savannah McMillan](https://www.instagram.com/savannahmcmillan/?hl=en). **What role does the setting or environment play in conveying these underlying meanings and explorations of intimacy? The choice to shoot nude in water immediately reminds me of birth, am I onto something or reaching?**  I guess in some ways it is reminiscent of birth… or more accurately, for me, a rebirth. This is a never-ending journey of exploring my own sexuality, ideals of love and coming home to myself. For me the images are representative of letting go & falling, loving & losing, swimming in the uncertain waters of alternative relationships - of being together in our alone. Ultimately, the images are a celebration of an internal intimacy, with our love as our reflection. **She Lives In The Walls is your first solo exhibition in the US, tell us about the concept?** I remember being 18 having dinner with my close friends at school, we played the game never have i ever, i said, never have i ever masturbated. I was the only one who took a sip of my drink. And I remember the glances & whispers exchanged. And despite being someone who is fiercely unapologetic for her hunger - I still felt shame. Shame that bled down into my bones.  It dissipated, obviously. \*laughs\*  She Lives In The Walls is the desire to take up more space, make more noise - to accept yourself in your fullest form. Photographed by Savannah McMillan. ![Photographed by Savannah McMillan.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb455af0433828a8650e_image-asset.jpeg) Photographed by [Savannah McMillan](https://www.instagram.com/savannahmcmillan/?hl=en). **Your Instagram lists you as a photographer and producer, can you explain the latter a bit? What are some of the most fun projects you've produced?**  I love storytelling. I love seeing projects come to fruition. Currently I am in the development stage of producing a short film that we are due to shoot in Barcelona at the end of this year, where we explore a transwomans first orgasm, post transitional surgery. I would like to see more accurate female representation in film. For example, in erotica, what gay woman is using three inch nails to fuck another woman? Surely thats a health hazard? Most of my work centres around intimacy and the breaking down our internal and external boundaries - as in this case, i’d like to see something more real rather than something that is directional/presentational for men. **Who or what inspires you the most? (creatively)**  It changes daily, but the one constant would be the people I’m surrounded by. I’m into contextual photography - drawn from personal experiences and encounters, from the everyday to the extraordinary. Photographed by Savannah McMillan. ![Photographed by Savannah McMillan.](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472bb455af0433828a86516_image-asset.jpeg) Photographed by [Savannah McMillan](https://www.instagram.com/savannahmcmillan/?hl=en). * * * _“She Lives In The Walls”_ will be on view November 20, 2019 from 7pm to 10 pm at the [Kimpton La Peer Hotel](https://www.lapeerhotel.com/?adpos=%7Badpos%7D&creative=277613981753&device=c&gclid=Cj0KCQiAn8nuBRCzARIsAJcdIfPdVCoFhfLonUPTzLpx5ZLuyfvFHG8aSS5zagF-2pEycu-TpP_kdSwaAgFkEALw_wcB&matchtype=e&network=g&utm_campaign=Brand-Hotel%20Name_Exact&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_term=kimpton%20la%20peer%20hotel) | 627 N La Peer Dr