FLAUNT Premiere | Sad Alex | "Stockholm's a Ghost Town"

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Photo Credit: Alex Stone ![Photo Credit: Alex Stone](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472beb139779002f0a64ab8_Sad%2BAlex%2BFLAUNT.jpeg) Photo Credit: Alex Stone A welcome disruption to the barrage of curated perfection that we face on a daily basis, Sad Alex is a rare breed of pop artist: a chronic over-sharer, her music embraces flaws that we can all relate to on a human level. Born Alex Saad, the Delaware native’s tongue-in-cheek alias is built around a desire to be candid and, often, to observe humor in the awkward mess of complexities that we call life. FLAUNT presents an exclusive premier of her new track “Stockholm’s a Ghost Town!” > _“I wrote this song after I managed to get my heart broken in a weeklong trip to Stockholm. It was an over-romanticized fling that started with rom-com fireworks on a hotel rooftop and ended with unanswered texts in a smelly Airbnb. My wine-fueled weeping was overdramatic but had more to do with the years of being ghosted than this nice Swedish guy. A few days later, I visited the songwriting school called Musikmakarna in Northern Sweden and wrote this with Axel Anderlund, Jonna Jaqueline, and Tobias Naslund. I wanted something that felt less ‘woe is me, I’ve been ghosted’ and more ‘come together  all ye fellow ghostees.’ Mix that with some bomb Swedish melodies and a sprinkle of Ed Sheeran, and you’ve got yourself my favorite song I’ve released to date.”_   > > _\-Sad Alex_
Photo Credit: Alex Stone ![Photo Credit: Alex Stone](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62ee0bbe0c783a903ecc0ddb/6472beb139779002f0a64ab8_Sad%2BAlex%2BFLAUNT.jpeg) Photo Credit: Alex Stone A welcome disruption to the barrage of curated perfection that we face on a daily basis, Sad Alex is a rare breed of pop artist: a chronic over-sharer, her music embraces flaws that we can all relate to on a human level. Born Alex Saad, the Delaware native’s tongue-in-cheek alias is built around a desire to be candid and, often, to observe humor in the awkward mess of complexities that we call life. FLAUNT presents an exclusive premier of her new track “Stockholm’s a Ghost Town!” > _“I wrote this song after I managed to get my heart broken in a weeklong trip to Stockholm. It was an over-romanticized fling that started with rom-com fireworks on a hotel rooftop and ended with unanswered texts in a smelly Airbnb. My wine-fueled weeping was overdramatic but had more to do with the years of being ghosted than this nice Swedish guy. A few days later, I visited the songwriting school called Musikmakarna in Northern Sweden and wrote this with Axel Anderlund, Jonna Jaqueline, and Tobias Naslund. I wanted something that felt less ‘woe is me, I’ve been ghosted’ and more ‘come together  all ye fellow ghostees.’ Mix that with some bomb Swedish melodies and a sprinkle of Ed Sheeran, and you’ve got yourself my favorite song I’ve released to date.”_   > > _\-Sad Alex_