![Photo by: Zachary Gray](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1556575564366-ABTQLBLNETQK834TH9ZL/BRASKO2_highres.jpg)
Photo by: Zachary Gray
[Brasko](https://www.instagram.com/braskosongs/?hl=en), the glam-pop artist and Nashville native, is kicking off May with “Lipstick Stains,” the first single off his debut EP, **_SEXDREAMSUPERSTAR_**. Pop-funk with a vintage twist, “Lipstick Stains” sets the tone for Brasko, epitomizing his distinct sound on the road to his EP’s release.
"I wanted a song that moves any size room; four-on-the-floor groove, dark for the goth kids and catchy for the preppy kids, with a dash of in-your-face lyrics," Brasko said of his single.
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Written by: Elizabeth Pagano