Kristin Bedford | 'Cruise Night' Book Out Via Damiani
Paula Sue. Kustom Oldies Car Club. Paramount, CA. July 9, 2016. ![Paula Sue. Kustom Oldies Car Club. Paramount, CA. July 9, 2016.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1620843333157-FKEO3TEBUABWVHG9TCU0/FLAUNT+Press+Photos_Cruise+Night+%284+of+18%29.jpg) _Paula Sue._ Kustom Oldies Car Club. Paramount, CA. July 9, 2016. [Cruise Night](https://www.amazon.com/Kristin-Bedford-Cruise-Night/dp/8862087276) by [Kristin Bedford](https://www.kristinbedford.com/), out now via [Damiani](https://www.damianieditore.com/), that tells the story behind the colorful Los Angeles Mexican American lowrider community. Bedford is the first woman to create an original large-scale body of work about this American movement, achieving thereafter a uniquely female perspective. Taking us behind the curtain of this misunderstood community, the photo book explores the art and symbolism of the Latinx Lowrider Car Culture, as well as the strength of its female members. Juan Ramirez, Co-founder of the Los Angeles Lowrider Community and President of Just Memories Car Club Los Angeles said of Bedford’s work, “We are always being stereotyped, but by riding with us she understands what we are really about and what we do. She has earned the respect of the lowrider community by not just making a book but by living the life with us. We will always be thankful that she’s one of the very few that got it right.” Developed over five years and finally out now, Bedford integrated herself into the LA’s lowrider world, creating a visual tribute of the same with snippets of oral histories by members of the various clubs speaking about the culture and its impact on their lives. _Cruise Night_ is available now via Damiani. Purchase your copy [here](https://www.amazon.com/Kristin-Bedford-Cruise-Night/dp/8862087276). Yahaira. Millenium Car Club. Los Angeles, CA. December 27, 2015. ![Yahaira. Millenium Car Club. Los Angeles, CA. December 27, 2015.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1620843377347-U9HIOXBFXCUI01BL1IJK/FLAUNT+Press+Photos_Cruise+Night+%285+of+18%29.jpg) _Yahaira._ Millenium Car Club. Los Angeles, CA. December 27, 2015. Gypsy Rose. Imperials Car Club. Hawaiian Gardens, CA. July 12, 2015. ![Gypsy Rose. Imperials Car Club. Hawaiian Gardens, CA. July 12, 2015.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1620843415350-KP32DM17FEGCU9IZT86G/FLAUNT+Press+Photos_Cruise+Night+%286+of+18%29.jpg) _Gypsy Rose._ Imperials Car Club. Hawaiian Gardens, CA. July 12, 2015. No Soy De Ti / I Don’t Belong To You. Vintage Ladies Car Club. Whittier, CA. June 22, 2018. ![No Soy De Ti / I Don’t Belong To You. Vintage Ladies Car Club. Whittier, CA. June 22, 2018.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1620843513365-F1P96NQ6UHQE8HKQUGVO/FLAUNT+Press+Photos_Cruise+Night+%289+of+18%29.jpg) _No Soy De Ti / I Don’t Belong To You._ Vintage Ladies Car Club. Whittier, CA. June 22, 2018. Lupita. Highclass Car Club. Cypress Park, Los Angeles, CA. June 13, 2015. ![Lupita. Highclass Car Club. Cypress Park, Los Angeles, CA. June 13, 2015.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1620843548821-GE0W90KGSTA0O3UO96PJ/FLAUNT+Press+Photos_Cruise+Night+%2817+of+18%29.jpg) _Lupita._ Highclass Car Club. Cypress Park, Los Angeles, CA. June 13, 2015. Samantha. At It Again Car Club. Elysian Park, Los Angeles, CA. May 7, 2017. ![Samantha. At It Again Car Club. Elysian Park, Los Angeles, CA. May 7, 2017.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1620843463119-HK6EN6W9LHWK9VLOX105/FLAUNT+Press+Photos_Cruise+Night+%2815+of+18%29.jpg) _Samantha._ At It Again Car Club. Elysian Park, Los Angeles, CA. May 7, 2017.
Paula Sue. Kustom Oldies Car Club. Paramount, CA. July 9, 2016. ![Paula Sue. Kustom Oldies Car Club. Paramount, CA. July 9, 2016.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1620843333157-FKEO3TEBUABWVHG9TCU0/FLAUNT+Press+Photos_Cruise+Night+%284+of+18%29.jpg) _Paula Sue._ Kustom Oldies Car Club. Paramount, CA. July 9, 2016. [Cruise Night](https://www.amazon.com/Kristin-Bedford-Cruise-Night/dp/8862087276) by [Kristin Bedford](https://www.kristinbedford.com/), out now via [Damiani](https://www.damianieditore.com/), that tells the story behind the colorful Los Angeles Mexican American lowrider community. Bedford is the first woman to create an original large-scale body of work about this American movement, achieving thereafter a uniquely female perspective. Taking us behind the curtain of this misunderstood community, the photo book explores the art and symbolism of the Latinx Lowrider Car Culture, as well as the strength of its female members. Juan Ramirez, Co-founder of the Los Angeles Lowrider Community and President of Just Memories Car Club Los Angeles said of Bedford’s work, “We are always being stereotyped, but by riding with us she understands what we are really about and what we do. She has earned the respect of the lowrider community by not just making a book but by living the life with us. We will always be thankful that she’s one of the very few that got it right.” Developed over five years and finally out now, Bedford integrated herself into the LA’s lowrider world, creating a visual tribute of the same with snippets of oral histories by members of the various clubs speaking about the culture and its impact on their lives. _Cruise Night_ is available now via Damiani. Purchase your copy [here](https://www.amazon.com/Kristin-Bedford-Cruise-Night/dp/8862087276). Yahaira. Millenium Car Club. Los Angeles, CA. December 27, 2015. ![Yahaira. Millenium Car Club. Los Angeles, CA. December 27, 2015.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1620843377347-U9HIOXBFXCUI01BL1IJK/FLAUNT+Press+Photos_Cruise+Night+%285+of+18%29.jpg) _Yahaira._ Millenium Car Club. Los Angeles, CA. December 27, 2015. Gypsy Rose. Imperials Car Club. Hawaiian Gardens, CA. July 12, 2015. ![Gypsy Rose. Imperials Car Club. Hawaiian Gardens, CA. July 12, 2015.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1620843415350-KP32DM17FEGCU9IZT86G/FLAUNT+Press+Photos_Cruise+Night+%286+of+18%29.jpg) _Gypsy Rose._ Imperials Car Club. Hawaiian Gardens, CA. July 12, 2015. No Soy De Ti / I Don’t Belong To You. Vintage Ladies Car Club. Whittier, CA. June 22, 2018. ![No Soy De Ti / I Don’t Belong To You. Vintage Ladies Car Club. Whittier, CA. June 22, 2018.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1620843513365-F1P96NQ6UHQE8HKQUGVO/FLAUNT+Press+Photos_Cruise+Night+%289+of+18%29.jpg) _No Soy De Ti / I Don’t Belong To You._ Vintage Ladies Car Club. Whittier, CA. June 22, 2018. Lupita. Highclass Car Club. Cypress Park, Los Angeles, CA. June 13, 2015. ![Lupita. Highclass Car Club. Cypress Park, Los Angeles, CA. June 13, 2015.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1620843548821-GE0W90KGSTA0O3UO96PJ/FLAUNT+Press+Photos_Cruise+Night+%2817+of+18%29.jpg) _Lupita._ Highclass Car Club. Cypress Park, Los Angeles, CA. June 13, 2015. Samantha. At It Again Car Club. Elysian Park, Los Angeles, CA. May 7, 2017. ![Samantha. At It Again Car Club. Elysian Park, Los Angeles, CA. May 7, 2017.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56c346b607eaa09d9189a870/1620843463119-HK6EN6W9LHWK9VLOX105/FLAUNT+Press+Photos_Cruise+Night+%2815+of+18%29.jpg) _Samantha._ At It Again Car Club. Elysian Park, Los Angeles, CA. May 7, 2017.