[**STILE LATINO**](https://stilelatino.com) pants, [**DR. MARTENS**](https://www.drmartens.com/us/en/) shoes, [**TBC**](https://tbceyewear.com) glasses, [**UNODE50**](https://www.unode50.com/us/) necklace, and vintage t-shirt from Avalon Vintage.
Flaunt gets deep with singer, model, and actor [Noah Urrea](http://instagram.com/NOAHURREA) and discuses his fears, his passions, and his future goals for his career. Since 2011, Noah has been working in music videos and singing parts in film. Through these roles his talent was recognizable energetic and fun, giving him a push towards improvisation, and making him a great performer. Today, Noah is a piece of the important global music phenomenon called, Now United, created by Spice Girls manager and American Idol creator, Simon Fuller. His role represents America while 13 other individuals represent their global denominations.
While we believe in diversity and individuality, it is also important to note that these musicians work together to bring about a harmony and rhythm which audiences love. Noah goes deeper and gives us insight to his work, his loves, and his gender fluidity below.
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[**PHLEMUNS**](http://www.phlemuns.com) jacket, [**STILE LATINO**](https://stilelatino.com) pants, [**DR. MARTENS**](https://www.drmartens.com/us/en/) shoes, [**KIR COLLECTION**](https://www.kircollection.com) necklace, and [**UNODE50**](https://www.unode50.com/us/) earrings.
**You’re part of pop band** [**Now United**](https://www.instagram.com/nowunited/)**, a group of 14 members. You just got back from touring Brazil, and have traveled to 18 countries in the past year. What is your favorite part of being on tour? Does it ever get chaotic performing with so many people?**
Every moment on tour is chaotic, but I wouldn't have it any other way. My favorite part is making people happy by doing what I love. It blows my mind because I've been to so many concerts, and it's humbling to be on the receiving end of watching people smiling, screaming and jumping to our music.
**When being in a band with many members, what is the creative process like? How do you avoid the “too many cooks in the kitchen” problem when brainstorming or creating new music?**
It's actually great there's so many cooks because all of us have strengths in different areas, and we teach each other so much. For me, dancing was never my strong point. Josh and Heyoon are killer. It's great to learn from them.
**You also are a model with LA Models. What inspired you to begin modeling? And what has been your favorite shoot that you’ve been a part of.**
I love fashion. It was a no brainier. There's really no way for me to give an award to one shoot, but what I will say is I'm always happy when I get to express myself through a designer's vision.

[**AMIRI**](https://amiri.com) shirt, [**ALL SAINTS**](https://www.us.allsaints.com) pants, and [**ISABEL MARANT**](https://www.isabelmarant.com/us) belt.
**You have mentioned that as a model you are ready to experiment with gender norms. What does this look like for you?**
Who gets to decide what a woman or a man should wear? It shouldn't matter because fashion is fashion. I think everyone should be free to express themselves however they want with their own personal style. For me, about 50% of my clothes are from the women's section because they fit me better, and frankly, they have more to choose from. The other 50% is a combination of clothes that I get from Good Will.
**In a past interview, you said that the biggest misconception people have about you is your sexuality. Can you go into that a bit, if you feel comfortable, and what about your sexuality do people have a false understanding of? Why do you think this is?**
I'm really glad you asked this question! Everyone keeps wondering about my sexuality, and to me, it's obvious, right?
**What is the biggest compliment someone could give you about your music?**
I sent a song to my friend today and he texted back that he was proud of me. I don't know why, but that really made me happy inside. There's no bigger compliment than someone realizing how hard you've worked at your craft.

[**STILE LATINO**](https://stilelatino.com) shirt and pants, [**ANGELA MITCHELL**](https://angelamitchellmilan.com) shoes, [**UNODE50**](https://www.unode50.com/us/) necklace, and talent's own earrings
**Word on the block is that you really really really hate pickles (source - your Instagram bio). What would you do if suddenly your microphone became a pickle.**
hahahahaha I would probably faint on stage.
**Both modeling and being a musician are very vulnerable modes of expression, as you showcase and display yourself in ways that most people are too terrified to do. I imagine you must receive immense praise, but also bitter criticism. As a young artist, how to you cope with the unavoidable remarks of hate and negativity from the public?**
I've been doing this since I was 10 years old. I've learned to ignore the bullshit and focus on the good things. But obviously, that's easier said than done at times.
**What is some advice you would give to your past self, before you had a booming career and, like, over 600k Instagram followers?**
Don't stress out too much about the little things because everything is going to work out if you work hard enough. And also know as you grow that you might change your vision of your journey and that's more than okay. Do what's good for you.
**Are you currently working on any projects that we can look forward to?**
Now United has some new music coming out soon, and we're going to be traveling more so just be ready for that. I'm always fooling around. You never know what's around the corner with me.
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Photographed by: [Meg Young](http://instagram.com/meg_myfanwy)
Styled by: [Kim Johnson](https://www.instagram.com/kim_johnson/) at [Altered Agency](https://www.instagram.com/alteredagency/)
Grooming: [Marco Minunno](https://www.instagram.com/marcominunnohair/) at [Atelier Management](http://instagram.com/ateliermgmt)